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Lyon's P.O.V

As they went a slow dance was coming on, I looked around and saw that everyone was choosing a partner, I smiled as I wanted to dance as well, when I was looking around I found-


I gulped as I looked at Y/n. Oh give me the strength for my goddess has walked to me.. but what of Juvi?!?!?! I didn't have to process my battle of thoughts as she went up to me and smiled.

"Hey Lyon.. can we dance?" She goes to hold out her hand in which I immediately grab.

"Um.. of course my goddess." I smile all confidence and chuckling as we go to the dance floor. I immediately make Y/n snuggle into my chest as we dance, my hand at her waist rubbing it gently.

She clears her throat as I could feel her heated cheeks. "..Lyon.. about what happened.. with the.. um... with you.. touching me."

My stomach sank as I blushed a thousand times a minute. "Oh yes.. well.." I couldn't get it straight. I wanted to melt. That's what I wanted to do. Melt and never show my face to Y/n's beautiful eyes again.

You robbed her of her boobs innocence touching it like that. "Un... I can explain that Y/n... I... um..."

I feel her nod as she just sinks deeper into my chest, still dancing. "..Lyon.. I... I just.  I mean I... um... how do i put this.."

Wait.. did she.... like it???

I immediately feel my arms tighten around her and smile. "Why didnt you just say so.. come.. let's go."

~Time skip by Lyon's stupidness~

We lay down huffing as I hold Y/n close as she still moaned from our climax. "Nhm... that was..."

"Amazing.." I say kissing her forehead.

"Um.. Lyon what I was going to ask you early.. is.."

I go to raise my eyebrow. "If I were to finish what I started right my goddess?"

Her giggle filled my ears. "Um... no... I just... i wanted to know if what you did was on purpose.. or accident.."

My blink and clear my throat. "We.... we.. had sex... and you.. um.. I.."

She blushes softly and looks away. "At... ar least I know how you feel.."

I nod going to hold her close to my chest embarrassed that I just assumed that she wished for me to do that. Does.. this count as.. um...rape..

I sigh softly. "F/n... I need to apologize.. I am so sorry.. i really.. I mean it.. i dont mean any ill intention from back then and now.. I truly do love you." I then move so i can see her look up front my chest. "..if you give me a chance I will make it right.. and give you a proper relationship my goddess.."

Her crystal e/c eyes looked at me big, soft, as if contemplating then she reached up and kissed my cheek. "I'd.. I'd like that.."

I blink and stare at her for a few seconds before laughing. Oh my beautiful goddess


Hey hey
Lol I am literally writing this in my hawaiian class.
As you all can see.
No lemon.

That's because Idk if their good or not. If you guys want it then I will do lemons. But idk if their good so please. Feedback.

Until then

Love you guys~

Thanks for reading this chapter, sorry if it sucked, I will be updating soon! Til then please vote and comment! Thanks again! Bye-bye!

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