I'll do it.

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"Ms. Cabello? Someone is here to see you." Allyson, my assistant, said through the phone.

"If its Austin, please let him know that I am busy and I do not have time for his bullshit right now." I stated bluntly.

"Uhm, no, its not Mr. Mahone. Its a woman." Ally said with a chuckle.

"A woman?" Memories of the night before flooded my mind, "Is her name Dinah Jane? If it is let her know that I'm going to a meeting, please?"

"Camila! You are such a heartbreaker!" she exclaimed with a laugh. "There's no need to worry, she's here for a case." A wave of relief washed through my body. This is why I loved Ally, she was a great assistant and she has always been very kind and understanding when it came to my complicated love life outside of work. Besides, she was one of the few people I could be casual with.

"Thank you Ally, please send them in." I watched as the door swung open and a tall woman with brown hair walked through. "Good morning." I greeted her.

"Good morning. I'm Taylor Jauregui." she smiled and took a seat in front of me.

I returned the smile, "What can I do for you today?"

"Well," she began, "my sister as been accused of murder."

"Okay, and?" I asked impatiently.

"Will you please help my sister?"

"Of course," I nodded. "I would love to but I only take high profile cases and I charge a large amount of money for my services." Taylor's smile fell.

"But, you are our last hope. There is a large amount of evidence being used against her."

"I am Karla Camila Cabello. The number 1 defense attorney out there. Do you know what that means ma'am? It means that I am very respected here and I have worked my ass off to get where I am now. In case you were wondering, I have never lost a case before and I refuse to start now." I placed the file onto my desk and watched the woman in front of me squirm in her seat.

"Ms. Cabello please, I am begging you to take the case. My sister would never do something this terrible." she searched through her purse and handed me a picture. "Look at her. She doesn't look like a killer does she? I came here because I know for a fact that you are the only one who can get her out of this mess." I took the picture from her and was amazed by how gorgeous the woman in the picture was.

"Ms. Jauregui?" She nodded. "I have already reviewed the case and I don't see any possible way to win the case. Her finger prints were on the weapon, she was at the apartment when it happened, and she was the only one found when cops arrived. I don't think I could help her." I said coldly.

"You don't think? I thought you were the number one defense attorney out there?" Taylor challenged me. She was smart and persistent, that's for sure.

"Listen Taylor, as you can see," I gestured to the large pile of files on my desk, "I am a very busy woman and I will not allow you to waste any more of my time."

"Fine, I'll leave. But you are coming with me."

"Excuse me?" I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

"Lauren is the type of girl who can persuade you without even trying. Come with me to go see her and tell me if you still refuse to help my family." She said with confidence dripping from her voice.

"I suppose. As long as you don't continue bothering me afterwards." I said after a few moments of hesitation.

We both left my office a few moments later. I followed Taylor to where Lauren was being held. As I was driving, my thoughts kept finding its way back to the green-eyed killer. Lauren Jauregui, her name was perfect. What Taylor didn't know was that I have already done much more than a "little" research on this case. Lauren supposedly shot her girlfriend, Regan Monreal, after learning that she was having an affair. I didn't understand why the press was buzzing about a simple murder case until I saw her face. Lauren was absolutely stunning. For all I know, she could've been a part time model. I could understand why so many news stations wanted to cover this case. She didn't look like a killer at all, if anything, she looks like an angel. But then again, even the devil was an angel.

Before long, Taylor and I reached the place where Lauren was being kept. The place was swarmed with media. I shouldn't be surprised but I was. In all of my years as a lawyer, I have never seen these many reporters covering a murder case. We made our way through the massive crowds and entered the building. From there, Taylor asked the officers if the two of us could see Lauren.

Taylor led me to a table in the visiting area. Moments later, the girl every one in the media industry has been buzzing about, began walking towards me.

"Hello," Lauren's voice was so raspy and sexy, "I'm Lauren." She said with a small smile and extended out her hand.

I'm attrated to her, that's for sure.

"I know who you are." I took her hand in mine. "I'm Camila Cabello, it is a pleasure meeting you." She was even more beautiful in person.

"I'm really glad that Taylor managed to bring you here." her smile widened. "I've heard a lot about you and I believe that you will be able to help me."

"So is there anything you want to say to my sister, Ms. Cabello?" Taylor smiled as she watched the interaction between me and her sister.

"Yes, of course." I nodded and pulled out my phone to rearrange my schedule. "You don't need to worry about a thing, Lauren. I will be your lawyer for this case."

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