
44 3 10

August 13 | Thursday

It's been 9 days ever since Yamaguchi attended school. It made Tsukishima curious and a bit concern since Yamaguchi never misses classes unless something came up.

The teenagers talked through text last night. Yamaguchi said his grandmother was sick and his mother sent him to take care of her. Yamaguchi was excused because her grandmother lived far.

Still, it bugged Tsukishima. He felt something was not right but he chose to shrug it off. His teacher called him in class, asking the formula of his math lessons. Tsukishima answered correctly by luck and started paying attention for real.

Yamaguchi heared his grandmother cough harder, making him worry even more. He grabbed a glass full of water and handed it to his grandmother.

"Thank you, Tadashi. You really don't have to do this all for me. I can handle myself. I've been doing well ever since your grandpa left me." -Yamaguchi's grandmother smiled at him.

Yamaguchi smiled back. "It's really no big deal. Don't worry about it, grandma." -Yamaguchi reassured his grandmother.

"Are you sure? You're missing out on your classes because of me.."

"If you're really concern about my school life then heal, grandma." -Yamaguchi said, making his grandmother chuckle.

"All right then.."

Yamaguchi's smile faded when he felt his chest aching. He started panting and it worried his grandmother.

"Something wrong, Tadashi?" -His grandmother placed a hand on his shoulder, checking him.

Yamaguhi looked at his grandma. He wanted to smile but the pain was too much for him. "Grandma.." -His voice sounded weak as his eyes started getting teary.

It was already night but Tsukishima can't seem to catch any sleep. His mind is frustrated. He sighed for the ninth time. He grabbed his phone beside him and stared at the time.


He wondered if Yamaguchi was okay. If he's sleeping well. If he's eating well.

He will never admit this but he misses his annoying voice. As a friend.

His phone started vibrating, catching his attention. He read the number and noticed he dialed Yamaguchi's number. Tsukishima panicked a little. His hands must have moved on its own.

He was about to end the call when it was answered. Tsukishima's eyes widen and he gulped. He felt nervous, but for what reason?


Tsukishima found himself smiling when he heared Yamaguchi's voice. His smile faded when he noticed and gulped.

"Is your grandma doing well?" -He suddenly asked.

Tsukishima wanted to scold himself. He felt stupid. Yamaguchi must be thinking weirdly of him by now. Who in the right mind will call their best friend at eleven just to ask if their grandmother is doing well?

"A-ah.. She's doing good.. Are you okay..?" -Yamaguchi asked, his voice sounded worried.

"Yes.." -Tsukishima quietly responded.

The call was silent for the next ten minutes. No one dared to break the silence. Both hearts were pounding.

"Goodnight." -Tsukishima said, breaking the silence.

Yamaguchi didn't respond. He was speechless. This is very unlike Tsukishima and it made him curious.

"I hope you're doing well." -Tsukishima said before ending the call.

Tsukishima placed his phone in his chest and stared at the wall. His heart was still pounding and he felt very nervous.

"Tch. I should really stop drinking coffee all the time."

After that, Tsukishima slept well with a small smile plastered in his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2020 ⏰

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