So like cause I'm not out as nonbinary to my while family I can't rlly tell them to stop using the wrong pronouns/name... But I'm getting better at telling them to stop when they call me my full name Like my parents usually only call me my full name to get my attention or if I'm in trouble but I've been telling them to stop as it makes me very uncomfterble my mum is getting better and usually corrects herself to my shorter name but my dad is a pain in the as sand is like "well I'm ur dad so I can call u whatever I like" like that's not how it works father if I called U a idiot and then said "but I'm ur kid I can call uwhatever I like" if say I'm rude and disrespectful
He also says "but I'm ur dad" for literally anytime I say I'm uncomfterble with something he does like hugging me