Ch. 1

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Lizzie POV-

The noise of a blaring alarm slowly crept it's way into my mind. I woke up with a start before turning my alarm off. I was dazed and confused at first until I realized what day it was.

This it, this is the day I audition for the X factor. I quickly threw off my blanket and walked to my dresser to try and find something.

My room was pretty small but I was able to get everything I need in it. From my dresser I pulled a soft pink skirt with a plain white shirt.

Walking downstairs, my mom and best friend Ricky were already there and ready to go. They were my little cheer duo for today.

"You ready honey?" My mom asked as she saw me walk towards the living room.

"I think so, I'm just really nervous."

"You'll be fine Lizzie. You are the best singer I know and the judges will love you." Ricky assured me.

We got into the car and my mom drove as Ricky and I sat in the back.

I started nervously picking at my nails while looking out the window. I don't know why I'm this anxious, I've sung in front of big crowds before. It's probably just the prospect of being on tv and making it through the show.

We pulled up in front of the arena where auditions where being held. Since I already lived in Dublin, it didn't take long to get there.

The line for auditions continually wrapped around and it seemed like they went on forever. Soon after getting in line another boy stood behind me.

He looked about my age. He was wearing jeans with a red, white, and gray plaid shirt. He had blond hair but the roots were brown so you could tell he dyed it blonde.

He had his own little support team with him as well. We caught each other's eyes and looked for a second before talking.

"Hi, I'm Niall." He put out his hand to shake.

"Lizzie." We shook hands.

"You nervous? I know I am."

"Yeah, I'm just a bucket of nerves."

"How about if we talk to each other then we won't think about what's coming up and maybe we won't be as nervous." I agreed. We talked the entire wait. I introduced him to Ricky and all three of us talked.

It turns out that I was right he is the same age as me, 16, and in fact our birthdays are only two months apart with him being older. He's also from Malinger and has one brother, who is one of the people with him today.

Finally we reached the table with number tags. We both got ours and waited patiently inside for our turn in front of the judges.

A few hours later, I heard my number called. My mom, Ricky, and I got up to follow the woman who called it.

I turned around nervously to Niall to see he was giving two thumbs up. I smiled towards him mouthing a thank you before going backstage.

They gave me a mic and I nervously walked on stage. I looked out and the audience was completely filled with all eyes on me. I swallowed my nerves and waited for Simon to ask some questions.

"Alright, what's your name?"

"Lizzie Randall."

"How old are you?"


"Okay, what are you going to sing for us today?"

"Um...I'm gonna do Superstition by Stevie Wonder."

"Okay start whenever you're ready." The music started and I sang my heart out. As soon as I started to singing the first note, I was no longer nervous. It felt as if I was back in my bedroom singing to my mirror.

Once I stopped the whole audience clapped, including the judges. Katy Perry stood up and started clapping.

A big smile erupted on my face from pure excitement. Simon quieted down the arena before speaking.

"I have never heard anything like that before." My face started fall a little.

"I absolutely loved it." The smile returned when he finished his sentence.

"That was absolutely lovely darling." Louis congratulated.

"I think you are amazing, but there could be some things that you could touch up on." Cheryl commented. There were a few boos in crowd before Katy started talking.

"I thought you were amazing and it was a really good song choice for you."

"Okay let's vote. Louis?" Simon spoke up.





"I'm afraid it's gonna be a no."

"And it's a yes from me. You've got three yeses, you're going to bootcamp." I jumped up in excitement.

"Thank you so much!!!" I ran off stage and hugged my mom and Ricky. As I was hugging them, Niall started to walk up for his turn.


"Thanks. Good luck, I hope you make it through." I was able to get out before we were herded back out of backstage.

"I knew you could do it Liz!" He side hugged me as we walked down the hall.

"I just can't believe I'm going to bootcamp."

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