It was adorable- he was so mad everytime he tripped over his feet, I did get a jolt of fear everytime he almost fell to, i grabbed his arm and pulled him up as he almost fell again, "I've got you" "t-this is s-st-stupid!" He flinched, talking always seemed to hurt him, it scared me that it did, "careful, again if it hurts we can take a break!" "Wh-what happened a-anyway-" "hm?" "Wh-why does i-it hurt!?" "V... patton had slammed the door when i got here, he didn't mean to, but you had a panic attack.. you began banging your head on the wall in the bathroom over and over till you passed out.." he looked so shocked, "I-I- d-did what?!?!?! I-is ev-everyone o-ok?!?! W-what happened w-while I w-was out?!?!?" He flinched on everyword... "woah woah!!" I gently pulled him into a hug, "you need to breath!" He did he took long breathes, "good," this was much better, I guess walking would have to wait..
180 words

sweet dreams~ a prinxeity story
RandomVirgil believes he is never going to escape the endless cycle of nightmare's he begins to give up hope, but will it stay that way for long?