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I felt wobbly, and I fell, I was tired, the kitsune, or sash, had grabbed roman, pulling him over, he had gently grabbed me, then, things were fading i, I didnt like it.. I tried to fight it but was pulled into a dark abyss, i kept trying to fight it i was scared, I wanted out, I bit my tongue, I tasted blood and that freaked me out even more, I'm scared-

Virgil, hes panicky, he is so panicky, it breaks my heart.. "virgil please wake up!" I was so worried, j saw some red in his mouth I moved him to see his mouth, he had bit his tongue and it was bleeding.. "Virgil. wake. up. P-please.." I felt his head gently bump my chest, then he did it again, harder- he is doing what had happened with his last anxiety attack!! I pulled him close and he stopped, then he started doing it again..

Hi yall- or probably the only like- one or two people that read my story- how are you? Wanna leave a vote to help my story pls? You dont have to if you dont want to tho!!

195 words

sweet dreams~ a prinxeity storyWhere stories live. Discover now