A Party to Die for!

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 John O'Brien was not a common man. He worked for his fortune day in and day out, his journey is a great one but his journey's end is where this story begins. John had made his fair share acquaintances over the years, he was a smart man who kept his friends close and enemies closer. None could fool him except for the beauty that was his wife Jessica. It was clear as day to everyone but John she was only with him for the money. Owen was his close friend since childhood but friendship that long didn't come without benefits, and drawbacks. Owen learned a lot about his "friend" over the years, his motives at times were questionable and their bonds weakened throughout the years. Perhaps his biggest doubt in John was in relation to John's first love. Trista was never the prettiest flower in the patch but she was always a kind person. John always wanted more in life and Trista was not enough for him. John left in a hurry but Trista still loved him. Last but not least was Violet, she was a party-going heiress who never cared much for John but could never resist a wallet that full. She may not have been after his money but she couldn't resist a social. John wanted to make up with his old friends and decided to invite them all to his 3rd anniversary party. He promised a night they wouldn't forget. None of them ever did forget.

John had just finished getting ready for the party when Jessica answered the door, she pretended to act surprised when she saw Owen arrive with a bottle of wine. She had known about the party all along while John had tried to keep it a secret. She didn't care for it any more than she cared for John. John greeted Owen with a delighted smile,

"Ah old friend, I'm glad you were able to make it!" John exclaimed in an excited tone, the two had not been close lately and John was unsure if Owen would come at all.

"Why I wouldn't miss an invitation from you for the world, it's good to see you John." Owen replied in the same tone. It wasn't long before Violet and Trista arrived. John greeted them as well. There was a moment of awkwardness between John and Trista but they got along just the same after that. Owen dropped the wine in the kitchen and the tour of the house began. Vialet always liked comparing the homes of the rich and Owen was proud to see where his friend had come over these past years. They ended the tour in the dining room after passing by the kitchen. Once they took their seats John announced a toast,

"I would like to thank you all for coming today to honor my marriage with Jessica. These three years have truly been the best in my life." Trista flinched at the last part as if someone had rubbed salt on an old wound. Jessica thought the speech was rathery sappy but she put on a happy face as they all cheered and drank their wine. It wasn't long after then that John began to choke and fall dead on the floor. No one could believe their eyes, dear John dead in an instant. Owen finally broke the silence,

"I will find who did this to poor John." The blame soon began to follow as each guest was panicking to prove their innocence.



"The evidence is stacked against you, you were the only one with a motive." Violet finally spoke up amidst all the chaos,

"Now now, settle down everyone. Let's not jump to conclusions," Violet exclaimes as she stares at Trista, "Let's look for clues around the house to see who did this." This was the one thing the four could agree on. They all split up around the house. Owen checked the library while Trista was not far behind. Violet decided to investigate the study and Jessica went to the kitchen. As Owen was investigating a bookshelf a large object hit the wall from the other side and a rather heavy bull statue fell from the top of the bookshelf. Luckily for Owen, Trista was able to pull him out of the way in time before the bull hit him. However, not everyone got off easy. The large object hitting the wall was Violet's lifeless body after a trap had sprung and she was shot by an arrow. The three searched the mansion together looking for Violet and in time they found her, just not in the way they wanted. The three met back in the living room and the fighting started again,

"It was clearly JESSICA, why would I set up a trap that would put me in such harm?" Owen stated.

"Well ignoring what you just said, I blame TRISTA. She has been after my husband for the longest time and she won't let us leave till we are all DEAD!" Jessica Shouted starting at Trista.

"I say it was Owen, John used to be an engineer along with Owen, and not just anyone could make a trap like that." Trista finally replied,

"If neither of us can agree then let's continue searching and i'm sure the guilty party will be shown." Owen said as the group split again. Owen went searching in the basement while Trista and Jessica went upstairs. While walking up the stairs Jessica had tripped and was about to fall down the stairs, a fall she wouldn't have survived. Trista saved her just in time by pulling her back. They investigated the rug on the stairs and it had appeared as someone had shifted it to the point where by stepping on the step you would fall to your death. Another trap set by this mysterious killer. Owen continued searching in the basement and to no avail went back up to explore the main floor. Jessica and Trista went to investigate the bedroom when Trista opened up the wrong drawer and found a knife in her head. Jessica, horrified to see this happen firsthand rushed back downstairs to tell Owen. Once she had told him everything the two starred silently at each other till Owen broke the quiet,

"You killed them, I know you did just admit it" There was no more arguing to be done, both knew who the other was. Jessica lunged at Owen with a fork,

"A FORK!" Owen shouted as he struggled for his life. He pushed her back as he grabbed a spoon, it was the only weapon he could find. Jessica took another shot at him knocking over a candlestick. The mansion was old, the wood was dry, and it didn't take long to burn. The fight went on as their surroundings caught ablaze. Owen shouted,

"Why would you do this, he was your husband." Jessica replied,

"I only wanted his money and I couldn't bear him any longer. I had to kill him and since he was so busy with his guests he failed to notice the poison I put in his wine, and besides I loved someone else, someone I had to be with" Owen had to know who this person was. Jessica struggled to find the words as the riches she had killed for were now burning around them, the mansion ablaze, the gold melting, the cash burning. She finally said it,

"It was you, it was always you" Jessica had loved Owen all along. "I had to kill them because they would have found out, I couldn't have had anyone in our way but even you wanted me dead even the man I loved. Owen replied,

"Jessica, I-" he could not finish his sentence as the roof collapsed upon them. The tragedy had ended, for the better or for the worse I do not know. 

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