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"Why are we in the middle of a random field?" Calum question me, looking rather confused. Technically it isn't a random field. Behind my old 'home' was the beginning of my mother's orchids. The part near the house sat empty for years after Cammie had set fire to part of it. A rather funny story actually.

"This is where I go to clear my head," I explained, "Only I really come out here. My parents rarely come to this house."

I sat down on the soft grass, shaking my heels off my feet when Cal sat beside me. The sky was a vibrant blue contrasting the burnt yellow grass. The flowers that once bloomed had disappeared.

We sat there for a while surprisingly. Even though silence had towered us, it was rather peaceful. His calloused fingers would randomly graze my forehead, reassuring him I was still there. It was comforting, I felt safe for the first time in a while. I almost forgot how Cammie and I were fighting. Just being with Calum felt timeless.

"How did the strings on your bass break that day?" I asked curiously. It had been almost a week since and I have been wondering since I saw the poor guitar.

"I want to save that story for a special day," Calum chucked, "Long story short, Michael is an asshole."

I giggled before grabbing his hand to warm mine. The air felt colder as the vibrant blue sky began to fade.

"Let's go before the rain starts."

"Just wait a minute, Cal. I don't want this moment to end yet," I said rather quietly. Even though he had been in my company for less than a week I felt a sense of security. His hand is always there for me to hold, and his eyes are always waiting to search mine. Once Calum finally got sick of staring at the sky we made our way through the yard.

As I started the car, the radio began to play one of my favorite songs, Naive by The Kooks. My voice soon followed theirs as the song went on.

How could this be done?

By such a smiling sweetheart

Oh and your sweet and pretty face

It was then that the rain started and Calum followed along with me.

I know she knows

That I'm not fond of asking

True or false it may be

She's still out to get me.

"Luke's voice is still better than yours." I joked before hearing Cal groan. "What's up with you and the bread stick?"

"It's not important. I'll handle it, but let's just enjoy right now before I have to go home," He said sadly.

"Let's talk about something else. Tell me anything about you." I suggested, hearing the sorrow in his tone.

"I really miss my sister Mali. She lives in London and I want to visit her since I'm so close but things have been so hectic." He confessed.

"Tell me when and I'll get you there. Anything to get you to your sister." His small smile reassured me that he was okay.


"No way in bloody Hell Callerson." Bluntness is something that my sister and I will always share. In order to get closer to the guys and hopefully find out why Luke hates us, I suggested a game night. The last time we tried that Cam was well, more Cam than usual.

"I remember what happened last time, but it'll be better, I promise. Please?" I practically begged. During our boarding school days we would have family game nights when we were sent home for break. Noah was the only one who made an effort to enjoy them, I usually sulked in the corner, and Cammie did her best to ruin every single one.

"Look, it won't be that bad. Plus we should really get to know them. We are in charge of them for work and I want to know what my boyfriend's friends are like," I said with puppy dog eyes. She turned to me with an eyebrow raised before sighing in defeat.

"When it starts to suck I'm going home. And why do you want to get to know them so badly? You've been dating Calum for less than twenty-four hours and you've known him for a week. Callie, it's the last week of May. They won't leave until August, maybe try to take things slow." Cam exclaimed rather harshly.

I scuffed, narrowing my eyes towards her. "You do realize you would've slept with Michael if Calum never stopped you on the couch. And you two aren't even dating. Cammie, you have no right to tell me how to run my relationship."

I knew it was rude but it needed to be said. Without responding she went to her room, slamming the door in the process.

"Cam, I'm sorry," I said softly outside of her door. I can tell that wouldn't be enough but at least she heard it. Camera has always been rebellious. When we were kids she could never forgive anyone. Once at boarding school, a girl had stolen her pencil when she went to the bathroom. Later at lunch, she tried to give it back and even offered her cookie to make Cam forgive her. That ended in Cammie filling her room with honey and feathers, similar to The Parent Trap. I'm just hoping she has grown out of her pranking ways.


episode 7 of cal squared is done

sorry its short just had a bit of writer's block

but anyways, I'm starting a new story soon so be on the look out

please recommend, vote, and comment as usual :)

peace out loves c;

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