Don't knock

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Norman took us to the set. Showing us his trailer. Since my role was temporary I would be sharing with him. He introduced us to Andrew, Lauren, Jeffrey, Dani. The others had yet to arrive.

We all made plans to go out to Atlanta tonight. The club we went to was huge. We hung in the VIP section. All of us getting along well. Lauren, Dani and I totally hit it off and made plans the following day to go shopping. Ian and the boys seemed to be having a good time as well. He would be leaving midday tommrow to hook up with Paul.

Ian and I hadn't really made hotel plans. I had planned on staying with Norman and he hadn't originally planned on being in Seonia.

"There's room for both of ya at my place no big deal." Norman said as we left the club.

"Are you sure? I wouldn't wana impose." Ian asked.

"Yeah, it's totally fine."

So the three of us went back to Norman's place.

After a few more drinks at his place. Ian passed out on the couch and I barely made it to bed.

When I woke up at noon Norman and Ian were already awake.

"There she is." Ian said wrapping me in a hug.

"Ugh, how in the hell can you be so cheery?" I asked burying my face in hus chest.

"Aww my poor little girl can't hang with the big boys." He laughed.

"I hate you." I said pulling away and grabbing the coffee Norman had poured for me.

"Theres Tylenol in the drawer there if ya need it." Norman pointed to the kitchen.

"Thanks Normie."

A little while later Ian's cab pulled up out front.

"I'll see ya soon." Ian said giving me a tight hug. "Norman, it was nice to meet ya. Thanks for letting me crash here."

"No problem."

He kissed my forehead before jumping in the cab.

"Take care of our girl." He yelled to Norman as the cab pulled away.

"So just curious are you and...." He was interuppted by a car pulling in the driveway.

"Hey girl you ready for shopping?" Lauren asked.

I had completely forgot about shopping with her and Dani today.

"Yeah, just give me 10mins."

I ran into the house changing quickly brushing my teeth, then quickly put on a little make up.

"Have a good time." Norman said kissing my cheek.

"We'll make sure she does." Dani winked.

The day was so much fun hanging out with these two. If the rest of the cast was as welcoming. This was gona be amazing.

We decided to make a whole day of it. After shopping we got our nails done. Then went to dinner.

Lauren--So what do you think of Georgia so far?
Lexi--From what little I've seen I think it'll be great,but wow it's so hot.
Dani--Girl you ain't kidding. Just wait the heat gets worse.
Lauren--Norman has told us so much about you. I feel like I know you already.
Lexi--He's talked alot about you guys to. He really loves doing this show. He's the main reason I accepted. He really sold it.
Dani--He sure does think alot of you.

Her and Lauren shared a look smiling.

Lexi--I think alot of him to. Known him my whole life.
Dani--Could I get a little personal? If not it's totally fine.
Lexi--No please go ahead.
Dani--Have you and Norman or are you two well ya know?
Lexi--(I chuckled) No we're not, um there use to be something there. We both decided not to have it go anywhere. Him and my dad have been best friends for a lifetime and we wouldn't wana ruin that.
Dani--That's understandable. You two would look so cute together though.
Dani--I'm just saying.

I laughed causing them both to laugh. The conversation went on more about the show and projects we all had coming up.

It was almost 10 when they finally dropped me off at Norman's.

I wasn't sure if I should knock or just go in. I should knock right I am a guest,but I'm kinda living here the next 6months so.....

"What are you doing?" Norman chuckled as he opened the door.

I laughed. "Honestly I wasn't sure if I should knock or just come in, I was debating."

He laughed helping me take my bags into the house,and up to the room I'd be using.

"You don't have to knock. This is your house to now."

"Thanks Normie......I'm gona shower. I'll be down in a bit.

He nodded closing the door behind him.

To say I was in love with this bathroom would be an understatement. The bathtub was almost big enough to swim in. I opted for just a shower though. Considering it was kind of late.

When I came downstairs Norman was sitting on the couch. He had drinks and Hershey bars on the coffee table, and I could smell the popcorn popping in the kitchen.

"What's all this?" I chuckled.

"Thought you might wana watch a movie with me."

"Alright, what are we watching?"

"Your choice, there's DVD's down there. Or you can pick something off tv. Whatever you want."

I looked through his DVDs while he got the popcorn.

"Can we watch this? I've never seen it." I said handing him Red Canyon.

"Are you sure? I know how you get with scary type movies."

I scoffed." I am not a little girl anymore Reedus. I can handle it."

He snickered. "Okay big girl, get the lights I'll put it in."

Norman grabbed a blanket before settling on the couch beside me.

As the movie got going he would chuckle every time I jumped. I would catch him out the corner of my eye staring at me. I wasn't sure if he was waiting for a reaction or what.

"So, what'd ya think? He asked when it was over.

"You make a pretty good bad guy Reedus." I chuckled.

"Thanks, not one of my best roles though geeked out meth head, with fucked up teeth."

"Please, don't act like girls didn't still swoon over you. Sexiest meth head ever." I chuckled tossing a pillow at him.

"Sexy huh?" He smirked.

"Not my words." I turned my phone showing him a review comment on Google.

"Your such a brat." He joked throwing the pillow back at me.

"But I'm your favorite brat." I chuckled.

We stared at each other for a minute. I got up gathering up some of our mess when those old feelings started swarmjng in my belly.

"You don't have to do that." He said. "I can get it in the morning."

"No biggie, I don't mind."

After cleaning up. I headed up to bed. Norman following closely behind.

"Thanks for the movie." I said when I reached my door.

"Mmhm." He mumbled biting at his lip.

He looked so damn cute when he did that.

I chuckled at the thought. "Nite Normie." I said as I entered my room.

"Nite baby." I heard him say as I shut the bedroom door.

I crawled into bed wishing for the first time ever that dad and Norman weren't friends.

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