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it was hot in the bodage todu and it were good they all looked very hot. Spediaky endin she was the boiling.
And suddenly boxmoree alarm go!!!!🤔😱 "Okay endin!! Lets go fight the stupid stupid robots!!," said ko.
"I am ok with that ko." Said rad. "I just miss Shannon is she my veiled friend!!" Said period blood. "Guys were gonna be late!" And with that sentence they all ran outside, a box was awaiting them. It was shiny and had "BM" on it that stands for boxmoore, it also had hockey sticks and flowers on it, that means today's robot is...RAYMOND!! Raymond was edins favorite because he's the only sensible one. 😐😐😐😐 but instead, it was SHANNON!!! Edin does no like Shannon because she used to have a crush on rad and that is no good because rad suppose to have a crush on edin !!!! Endin was furiosulllY!!! Ggrrr!!! "EIND TO YOUR LEFT!!!!L!!!!!!!!!!!" KO shouted, And suddenly everything went blank. Enid was no longer in the plaza, nor was Steven universe or period blood. She god up from the cold harg wall and looked around. It was blanks. Maybe mr car would come soon and rescue her. There was nothing but a door. She looked over to see some ppl peeking on her. It was..... DERYL AN RAYMOND!!!!! 🤭🤭🤭🤯🤯🤯

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2020 ⏰

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