In The Closet

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No one had ever gone in Jacqueline's room since she came back from her first year at Beaxbatons Institue. When she had come home from her first year there, she had an elegant lock that seemed to fit in with the corridor in which her room was situated. No one in the family knew how she was able to lock the door, since she wasn't allowed to use underage magic, but she still managed to lock the door.

How was she able to lock her door? Well, when she arrived at school, she figured something out about herself and she wanted her room to reflect that. So, she spent a few hours in the school library looking for something that could lock her room and make sure she was the only one able to enter it. Well, she found a useful spell! The spell goes "aperi mihi solum", which means open for me alone. All she needed to do is say that spell while pointing her wand at the lock and then when she came home, to put the lock on the door and it would only open for her. It was very advanced magic, but she was a very intelligent girl.

*Jacquelines Point of View*

When I woke up, I could feel the heat of the sun on my face, it was almost blinding. It was not that unusual, because I had woken up the exact same way in France many times, but it was a little bit surprising to wake up the same way here, because we do live in England, and England is not known for it's perfect weather.

My bedroom was different from the rest of the house. As no one had ever been in it, no one could tell what I couldn't put in it and what I should. My room had light green walls, with lots of plants in every corner. Plants were hanging from the ceiling and were surrounding my window frame. The curtains were a beautiful lavender and had a few plants on them aswell. My bed, which was in the left corner, matched the walls and curtains, as the duvet was a light green, but with small, lavender coloured plants.

The pillows, however, were lavender, but with light green plants on them. The bed frame was a plain white, to fit in smoothly with everything. There was also a simple, soft white rug on the floor, which covered a little bit of the dark, wooden floor. My desk, which was on the right, was made of the same dark wood the floor was made of. The desk had few pieces of parchement, some of which were blank, others with small notes or were covered with homework. A few ink pots were on it aswell, along with a couple books and also a plant pot. A light green desk chair was right infront of it.

A door on my right, next to my desk, lead into my own walk-in closet, filled with shoes, pants, shirts, dresses, bags and jewelry. Although, most of it was comfortable clothing. There was also a floor length mirron in the closet, with plants and fairy lights hanging on it. On the left side of my room was my own bathroom, I couldn't possible share with James, as his is extremely messy. My bathroom had a bathtub, shower, toilet and sink. There were, of course, plants in various different places. Some were hanging from the ceiling, like in my room, while others were just placed on some shelves that held towels and face creams and stuff.

My room also had a couple of shelves, which held mostly books, but also some awards that I had received and some picture frames. Poloroid pictures were also stuck on the wall, in various shapes, such as stars, planets, constelations and plants. These poloroids were filled with friends and family, most I had taken with my friends from France.

You might wonder, "hey, but why is your room locked if there is basically nothing to hide in it?", well, that's where you're wrong, my friend. Throughout my entire room, small rainbow flag were placed. You'd find some in that plant pots on my window frame, or in the ones hanging from the ceiling. A big lesbian pride flag was also in my closet, a little joke for me. Yes, I am a lesbian in the closet.

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