Chapters 1 & 2

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      I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. 'BEEP, BEEP, BEEP'. I pulled my pillow over my head trying to escape the noise. 'BEEP, BEEP, BEEP'. I quickly gave up, pulled the pillow off my head and it the snooze button. I slow got out of my comfortable, warm spot in my bed. And, walked to the bathroom, I turned on the water, and stripped off my Pj's. The warm water felt amazing on my tense body, and made me relax a bit more. I washed my hair and body, and turned off the water. I grabbed a towel from the counter, and wrapped it around my soaked body. I walked back into my room, and to my closet. I pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans, my red tang-top, black combat boots, and my black jacket. I though all my clothes on to my bed and looked at my alarm clock. "Seven-Thirty, OH SHIT" I whisper/shouted.

       I quickly got dressed, I ran down the stairs. And, into the kitchen, I grabbed a banana, and ran to the door. I opened the hallway closet and grabbed my school bag and skateboard. I slammed the closet door shut and ran ouy the door. I though my skateboard to the ground, hopped on and gave a swift shove to the ground. A few minutes later I got to my bus stop, I record time to. My best friends Miya, and Orion were waiting for me there. "Where the fuck, were you"! Orion said (but more like shouted). "Yea, we thought you were sick, or something" Miya said, with her quiet shy voice. "S-s-orry I-I over S-sl-slept" I said honestly.

       All three of us got on to the bus and sat in the very back. I took the last big seat, Miya the small single seat, and Orion in front of her. We were quiet thoughout the whole ride to school. We usually walk to school, but I was pouring rain outside, and we didn't want to be completely soaked before school. The bus stopped in front of the school, and we filed out. We were walking up the steps to the building when we pasted Brittany Meyers. She was the most popular girl in school, and a total slut. She dated the entire football team in one week. And, standing beside her, my ex-boyfirend Jordan. We broke up a couple of weeks before, because he was cheating on me with some bitch. I looked there way and Jordan gave me an evil grin, clesrly trying to make me mad. I continued to walk up the steps, and feeling my heart break at the same time. I held back my tears and began the school day.

                                                                                                                                                                                                *Time Skip*

          Me, Orion, and Miya walked out pf the building and down the steps. "Please come and ride the bus with us, Ames" Miya asked for the one hundred and eighth time. "No thanks, I'll walk" I said again. "I'll take the trail that leads to my house, it's like my little shortcut, and I really want to play my Xbox one." "Oh,ok, i guess, bye see you tomorrow" Miya said waving. "See ya" I shouted over the noise of the crowd. I walked to the back of the school and quickly found the trail. I started down the trail and took out my earbuds and ipod. I plugged in my earbuds and put them in my ears. I turned on 'Rise' By Skillet, since they were my favorite rock band. I walked for about twenty more minutes, when I heard a ear pericing scream. I ripped out my earbuds, and looked in the direction of the scream.

                                                                                                                                                                 Just then what I saw, froze me right in my tracks...

*Chapter 2*

        I saw, a girl running. But what stopped me was that she was covered in blood, and limping. Then I saw a boy behind... Just... Watching. Why wasn't he helping her? Is he the one who did this to her? Is he trying to kill her? A million questions were running through my head. I just wanted to run, I didn't want to watch, this. Then before I could, high - tail the fuck outta there. The boy ran and pounced on her. Stabbing and sheading her up. She was screaming, even louder than ever. Then... It all when silent. The boy got up, covered in her blood. He looked sraight at me. And, I ran and as fast as I could. I could hear him following me. My felt tired but I kept running. If I stop he may kill me. I though in my head of the way I would die. "No". I ran faster and faster. I was in the clearing, so I known my house was close.


        Then outta nowhere he tackled me. I hit the ground with a thump. He grabbed my arm, and I struggled to get free. He got off of me and pulled me up. Now he was closer, so I could see his face. He had a smile, but not a normal smile. He  smile was cut up through is cheeks, and to his ears. He had pale white skin like mine. He had not eyelids, and scorched marks around his eyes like they had burnt off. He was dragging me towards the woods. Is he going to kill me? That one question running through my head millions and millions of times. Once we were in the woods, he pinned me to a tree.

          I closed my eyes, getting ready for the final blow. But instead of a knife in my stomach, He put his lips to mine and kissed me. I was scared if I opened my eyes he would kill me. He stopped the kiss and whispered "So you though you could run from me ,Amy". "Who are you. What do you want"? I questioned him I wanted him to let me go. "I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Jeff, Jeff the killer" He said with a raspy voice. "And, want I want is you" he continued. My eyes shot open. "Please let me go" I begged. "Alright, I see you tonight anyway". And, with that sentance said, he let go of me and ran outta site.

I walked to my house, just past the clearing. I reliving everything again in my head. With the girl, and that boy... Jeff, the kiss, everything. I walked up the back steps of my house, and locked the door with my key. I walked inside and went to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and got out some orange juice, I got a glass from the dishwasher. I poured in the juice and set it on the island. I walked up the stairs and into my room. I through my bag on the floor and, flipped onto my bed. I relived what happened in my head again, and ended up falling asleep.



**A/N - Hi, thanks for reading Killer Love. This is the first story I've ever written on Wattpad, and I hope you like it.**

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