Chapter 2

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There's a girl, on her bed, saying it's been a long day. How long has she been following her?
"People are so cruel, girl."
"Who are you?!"
"Oh.. I'm Annie", she smiled.
"What? Annie who? What are you doing here??"
"Slow down girl! Let me introduce myself! I'm Annie, a spirit, and I'm here to be your friend."
"What? A spirit? Do you think I'm stupid enough to believe that? Besides I don't need friends!"
"Uh.. You're weird!"
"What? Listen I'll pretend to believe you just get out of my house!"
"Oh really? If I weren't a spirit would I be able to do this?"
Annie got up and ran into the wall and disappeared. Then she came out off the wall again.
Vivienne's jaw dropped and she took a step back. Who the hell is this spirit? And what did she want?!
"More like a ghost..", said Vie.
Annie laughed.
"What do you want?"
"Is that how you welcome new friends?", she rolled her eyes. "Listen Vie, I'll try to explain as much as I can."
"You know my name?!"
Annie nodded and went on. "Basically I'm here because you want me to. I'll hang out with you whenever you want me around, we'll make good friends don't worry! But you're the only one who'll be able to see me."

What? Vie shook her head in confusion. Just.. WHAT?!
"I have more friends, you'll probably meet them soon", Annie laughed.
"Umm no thanks."
Annie rolled her eyes.
"Anyway I have to go to my friends house.. so yeah bye!"
"Can I come?", grinned Annie.
"Come on! No one will see me!"
Vie just walked away. But Annie followed.
"Oh.. If I were you I wouldn't wear that sweatshirt...", said Annie.
"Excuse me?"
"I'm just saying! It adds on a few pounds, you know"
Vie looked at herself in the mirror. Well Annie was right, that sweatshirt made her look slightly chubby.
Vie just shrugged.
"Well it's just Ro's house, I can go in my pajamas and it wouldn't matter.."
"Oh and your hair is a bit messy"
Vie tried to ignore her comment without running her fingers through her hair. Didn't work.
Then she got out of the house with Annie following every step.
Vie rang the doorbell. And April opened the door.
"Hey girl!"
"Hi! Come in, Ro is in the kitchen."
"Making nachos", yelled Ro's voice across the house enthusiastically.
Vie chuckled and came in.

"She's skinny! And so pretty!", whispered Annie suddenly pointing at April.
Vie nodded. Then Rosanna came with the best thing ever..
"Food!", said April.
"It's life", replied Ro.
Annie poked Vie.
"What?", she mumbled.
"Ro is so gorgeous!"
"I know", she whispered.

"So tell us Ro! How was your vacation?", asked April.
"Pretty amazing! It was so relaxing, we really needed that."
"Was it too hot?", asked Vie.
"Surprisingly it wasn't!"
Vie nodded and started stuffing her mouth. Well they all did. And they went on chatting.
"You know, that April seems like a girly girl. Look at her outfit!", said Annie.
April was wearing a cute pink skirt with a white lace top and a cardigan. And she had her flats and accessories on, with a cute headband.

Vie nodded, without being sure whom is she nodding for.
"Look at her nails! So perfectly done", Annie went on.
Vie glanced at her own nails. They were all short and chapped. She hid them with her sleeves.
"She is so fit! What a lucky girl.", said Annie again. "I bet she watches her diet and works out!"
Vie had that comment stuck in her mind a bit, and she started observing how April ate.
"She eats in small bites.", commented Annie.
And suddenly, Vie felt herself chewing slowly.
"Yeah Vie?", asked Ro.
"Vivienne, are you listening?", asked April.
"Huh? Yeah yeah I'm listening. I just spaced out a bit. What were you saying?"
"We were asking about the new English teacher.", explained April. "They say he's pretty strict."
"He is a bit strict I guess. But I don't really know, I mean it's still the first day."

"Ro looks gorgeous in that top! It makes her waist look so tiny.", started Annie.
"I have a matching one", whispered Vie.
"You don't have a waist"
"Excuse me?"
Annie just laughed.
Vie mentally rolled her eyes because it would be weird if she did it for real.
Mum picked her up on her way home. That was a relief because she wasn't looking forward to walking home. She went up to her room and lied on her bed staring at the wall. Annie was right, she didn't look pretty enough and definitely wasn't skinny enough! Other girls look prettier than her. Speaking of Annie, where is she?
Vie gasped. Annie was lying next to her staring at the wall too.
"You scared me!"
"So-rry", laughed Annie. "What are you thinking of?"
"Come on tell me!"
"It's nothing really!"
There was silence for a while. Then Vie looked at Annie.
"Do you think I'm fat?"
Annie laughed.
"Oh come on! It's not a joke, I'm serious!"
"I think it's funny."
"Well fine then I don't want to know your opinion!"
"Oh come on don't be mad!"
"Whatever.. I wanna sleep now so goodnight."
"Okay, goodnight!"
Then there was another moment of silence.
"Umm I don't mean to be rude but aren't you going anywhere?", asked Vie.
"No where do you want me to go? I'm staying with you."
"Don't you have like spirit's secret world or something?"
Annie laughed so loudly.
"Secret world?", she laughed again. "Are you serious Vie?"
Vie rolled her eyes and turned around.
"Whatever, I have school tomorrow. Goodnight!"

"Shut up..", whispered Vie to her alarm clock. Stupid school, why did it have to be so early.
Vie turned to the other side of the bed but Annie wasn't there.
She sighed and got out of bed.
"Morning, lazy!", yelled Annie's voice.
"Morning", whispered Vie a bit startled. How did that girl pop out of nowhere?!
Vie walked to the bathroom and stared at herself in the mirror for a second.

"Your eyes look puffy."
"Annie! Get out! Couldn't I have a moment of privacy?!"
"Fine, I'm out!"
The she stared at her reflection again, she looked tired and so pale. She started noticing things she hadn't noticed before. Like how her skin was full of blemishes, and how her waist really didn't look toned. She looked away before going on with that. Annie's comments were enough really.

When Vie got out, she got dressed and went downstairs to grab breakfast. She looked around and Fruit Loops caught her eye.
"I wouldn't.", said Annie.
"Why?", asked Vie.
"You said you needed to lose weight! That's loaded with sugar."
"Uh.. I know I need to lose weight but I never said I'm trying to..."
"Oh girl, you need some serious help!"
Vie sighed and put the Fruit Loops back. Damn it she was really craving them.

"Good girl!", smiled Annie. "Besides you're not 10 anymore!"
"Fruit Loops aren't for kids only!"
Annie handed her an apple as a reply.
"An apple only?"
"That should be enough!"
"Ugh fine!"

Vie said goodbye to her mum and went out with Annie, again, following her.
"You're coming to school too?"
Annie nodded with a smile.
Oh God where did that whole spirit thing came from...


Thank you so much for reading this chapter! ^_^ I really appreciate it!

This part is longer than the others, I'm pretty happy I could make it longer actually. =P
Anyway hope you enjoyed it. ^-^

Much love xxxx
Sugarcoated_moon <3 ~

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