Chapter 6

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Who is she? What does she want? How does she know?

Vivienne couldn't get up, although she had tried to stand but she didn't feel any energy.
All she did was stare at that girl. She was so skinny, had really long straight hair, and dull fierce eyes.
Her eyes were the first thing you'd notice.
Vie watched that girl approaching her.
"Who are you?", she whispered.

There was silence until the girl said, "I am Ana."
Vie unconsciously furrowed her brows.

"So it's Annie and Ana..?", she commented.
None of them reply.
This whole time Annie was silent.

"You don't like your body?", it seemed like a question but Ana made it seen more like a fact.
Vie lightly nodded.
"You actually want to look like those skinny girls who look absolutely perfect..?"
Vie nodded again.

"Okay then.. I can help you with that..", said Ana.

Vivienne felt her eyes widen.
Was that the help Annie meant? Ana was really going to help her.. Lose weight, become skinny, fit in with other girls!
There was silence for a while, then Vie felt sleep getting to her.
She walked to bed and curled under her blanket, and fell asleep..

"You are late!", shouted Mum.
Oh no! Vivienne overslept. She got up and quickly rushed to get herself ready, trying to remember why she hadn't woken up to the annoying alarm clock.

She rushed down to the kitchen scanning food and trying to choose something she can have on her way.

"An apple!", said a voice. It was Ana's.

Vie nodded. Good suggestion.
She grabbed an apple and headed out of the door yelling 'goodbye' to Mum.

She tried to hurry up as fast as she could.
Thankfully she made it in time.
Everyone was in class but her teacher hadn't arrived yet.

She quickly entered the classroom, and everyone stared.
That was a normal thing to happen.. But then she remembered yesterday.

She felt her heart sink and wanted to rush immediately to her seat. But she felt overwhelmed that she couldn't move her legs. She swallowed hard and managed to sit down.

April waved at her. Vie just smiled trying to hide the nervousness she was feeling.
The teacher came in and started class.

After class, April and Vie walked together to their next class.
"Are you okay, Vie? You seemed nervous when you came in.", said April.

"Oh.. Oh w-well I.. Yeah I'm fine I just.. I was afraid I'm late..", Vie replied stills thinking of yesterday.

"Oh well lucky you! You made it on time!"

"Hey wait for me!!", yelled someone. It was Rosanna.

"Since when do you guys walk fast?", said Rosanna catching her breath.

April just chuckled.
"Oh Vie! Are you okay? I called you yesterday but you didn't reply!", Rosanna said.

Oh God..
"Uh yeah I'm fine.", Vie said.
"Who are you kidding? I know something was wrong! I was so worried!!"

"Ugh why does she ask a lot!", Annie commented suddenly.

Vie tried her best not to roll her eyes or give her a look.

"Oh well I felt exhausted yesterday and actually stayed in bed all day.", Vie tried to explain. And she actually was saying the truth!

"Oh well do you feel better now?", April said with concern.

"Yeah I'm better now!"

Was she, really?


The day was over, finally!
Vie couldn't wait to get home. Rosanna and April were talking about something.
Vie tried to concentrate but kept spacing out.
She couldn't focus.
She couldn't.

"What do you think?", she heard this phrase being said.

"Vie? Vie!", that's when she realized she was being talked to.

"Oh yeah what were you saying?", Vie said trying to sound as normal as possible.

"Let's have dinner together."

"Hell no!", Ana popped all of a sudden.
Do these spirits have this habit?
"You can't go, Vivienne! We're dieting, remember?", Ana continued.

'We're dieting' ?, Vie thought.

Ana is really making herself involved in this whole thing.

"Umm where do you wanna go?", Vie asked receiving a look from Ana.

"Pizza!", April said. April was addicted to pizza. No like really addicted.

"Come on! We always have pizza. Aren't you ever bored of it?", said Ro.

"Nope! Pizza is life.", April said raising her eyebrows proudly.

"This isn't something you want to have, do you?", Ana whispered.
She slightly shook her head.
"They're discussing fatty foods. It's disgusting! Don't go! Trust me you don't want to go.", Ana continued.

Ana was right. Vie should not go! Those layers of fat don't need anymore.

"Umm I'm sorry that sounds good but..", Vie started.

"Ha! See I told she wants pizza too!", April jumped.

"No she doesn't!", Ro narrowed her eyes.

"Guys I mean I can't come with you, I think I should go home..", Vie tried to explain.

"What?", they both said at the same time.

"I don't want to leave Mum alone for d-dinner."

"Oh but.. We don't always go out..", Ro said furrowing her brows.

"I'm sorry, maybe next time.", Vie half-smiled.

She walked away then. Walked all the way home along with Ana. Ana had a smile on her face the whole time.


"So? How do I become skinny?!", Vie asked enthusiastically sitting on her bed.

"It's not easy.", Ana said.

"Yeah I know but.."

"Remember there's calories in everything. And too much calories are bad."

"Oh.. Yeah.. So I should count my calories?"

Ana continued, "Fat makes you fat. Simple as that."

Vie nodded.
But Ana didn't continue.

Vie took out her laptop and looked up how much calories she should have per day.
She started entering her height, age and these stuff... Dying a little inside when entering her weight.

Ana watched every movement of hers.

"You actually believe these people?", yelled Ana all of a sudden startling Vivienne.

"Do you believe that you have to eat this much? Do you think skinny girls would even put that much inside their beautiful bodies?"

Vie kept shaking her head.

"That's over a 1000! No Vivienne just no!"

"Well then what should I do?", Vie asked.

Ana sighed.
"Start by 800 maximum!"

800? Hmm..

"But they say it puts your body in starvation mode..", Vie said.

"What do they know, Vie? Do you think skinny girls would eat all of that?"

Vie just sighed.

"Think skinny, Vivienne."


Hello everyone! ^_^
I don't know what to say really but.. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! =D

Oh and if you don't mind please check out my other story! =)

Much love xoxo
Sugarcoated_moon ~ <3

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