Chapter 4

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Vie started her diet. It was a bit confusing to her. Like how much should she eat, how often, what should she eat.

All that she had in mind is that she should eat less, and lose weight! That was her goal.
She felt.. Motivated? Maybe yes.
And during this whole thing she couldn't stop thinking about how she was different. Girls were skinny, fit and gorgeous. That's what she had been seeing. But when she looked at herself, all she saw was fat, untoned and ugly.
And that kept swinging through her head...
She felt she was becoming more quiet, she tried to be more distant. She started listening more than speaking, she started observing what's around her more than passing by others and ignoring everything around her.

She actually started thinking... A lot.

Dad is out of town, but he called.
It's not that weird but it felt awkward.
Yes awkward.
She barely talked to him. And all of a sudden he pops and asks about how she is.

"I'm fine Dad.", she'd say.
She was fine, Mum was fine, school was fine.
Everything is okay, right?
Yeah. Because, that weird feeling had always been there.
Why is the answer to such questions is automatically 'fine' or 'good', it seems like little lies that let things pass by simply.
What if things weren't really okay?
Well she'd figure it out herself, she wasn't really going to complain.
She wasn't going to the Dad what she thinks of, what concerns her, what she's worrying about and most importantly; what's wrong..
In fact, she wasn't going to tell anybody at all..

It's weigh day. Vie stared at the scale anxiously.
"It doesn't bite.", said Annie sarcastically.
Vie rolled her eyes.
"I really hope I had lost some weight..", she whispered.
She put one foot on the scale and bit her lip. If she actually had lost weight, that means she was doing it right! All she would need is to be slightly more careful and everything will be fine.
But if she hadn't.. That would be horrible. That means she really needs serious action!

Vie sighed and stepped on the scale closing her eyes. She waited for a second and took in a deep breath. She opened her eyes and stared for a second.
You're kidding! It can't be!
"Nothing!", yelled Vie.
She hadn't lost any weight.

"J-just why?!"
Annie approached her and patted her shoulder as if she was sending condolences to her.

Vie stepped down and threw herself on her bed.
Annie approached her slowly.
"Vie?", she whispered.
"I really don't get it Annie"
Annie didn't say anything. And the silence went on for a while.

Vie's phone rang.
Vie looked at it. It was Rosanna.
"Hi Ro."
"Hey! Listen.. Umm are you busy?"
Vie thought for a second to see if she had anything really, ignoring the fact that she had a maths homework.

"No.. Why?"
"Well get ready I'm coming to pick you up!"
"We'll go shopping girl"
Vie pouted.
"Ro, I'm not in the mood.."
"What? Not in the mood for shopping??", Ro gasped as if you just said you hated her celebrity crush.

Vie giggled.
"I went there last week with Mum, there was nothing really."
"Come on maybe you'll find something this time! Get ready."

Walking around through hundreds of clothes, absolutely loving some and wondering how others were even made!

"That would be perfect for my cousin's wedding!", said Ro holding up a hideous dress.
"Oh God!", Vie laughed so hard. "With flip flops!"
They laughed loudly and some people started staring at them.

"Oh look Vie! This skirt would look so cute on you!"

"Skirts? No no no!!", Annie popped suddenly.
"Uh no no.. I don't look good in skirts."
"Come on!!", said Rosanna. "Well how about this lace top. So pretty!"

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