CHP: 22

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I woke up and stepped down from my bed. The tea and biscuits were already there on the tea table. I smiled at the sight of freshly bloomed roses in the vase, it's 23rd birthday. I walked to the bathroom and took a shower. The bathrobe was still wrapped around my body, I slowly traced the name that was branded on my chest. After watching it for a while I went to my closet to put on a fresh pair of clothes. The tea was still hot, before taking a seat I played the music on gramophone. As I took a seat on the sofa there was a small box next to the tray. Tied with a beautiful reb ribbon. After taking a sip of the tea, I pick it up and opened it. There was a pair of keys inside it. It's my birthday gift from Ma and papa, a piece of property again. Next to it was another pair of keys, car keys. This is definitely from mumma. I know that she is the one to place these things here. That's what they always do, my parents can't send me such gifts openly so they hand it over to mumma.
I remember my first birthday gift was a horse, then I got an amusement park and so on. My fifteenth birthday gift was a golf course and when I was eighteen it was a luxurious mall. All that I spend comes from these places. Mumma's people deal with all of these businesses and I too personally visit the places to ensure that the business runs smoothly.

I put both the gifts down and took a sip of my tea again. It's been already three years now that I and Rose are together, we have studied business together. We gave all the exams and it was the most beautiful experience of my life. These past three years were like dream but now that our studies are over, do we have any other reason to stay together? Will she still stay by my side to serve me? It feels like the time has passed real fast. Do I have any other reason to keep her by my side for the rest of my? Yes, ofcourse I have the contract but for how long am I going to use that piece of paper to stop her form leaving?


I picked the telephone and placed it on my ear. Papa spoke from the other side, the moment I heard his voice I shifted in my seat and sat properly as if he himself was standing in front of me. "Blaze, happy birthday. I'm sure you received our gift by now, all I want to say is enjoy your day to the fullest. Do whatever you want and come back home as soon as you can. Everyone is waiting for you here. I want you to get on flight next week with Alex, Alexa, Rose, Python, Xiao and Paula. I want to see all of you" he said and I felt like my body was numb. Finally it's time for me to go back home, where I can live with my family. I waited for this moment for so long. "Blaze, are you listening to me?" He asked from the other side.

"Yes papa, sure. I will do as you've asked me to. Bye and tell Ma that I love her " I said and hanged up the call. I will finally have everything I wanted, my family. But will Rose still be there with me when I am at the peak of happiness in my life?

After I was done with the tea, I went downstairs to the kitchen. Rose was baking something while humming 'I can't help falling in love'. Her beautiful face has a smile, a smile that I would die for a million times. Without disturbing her I walked to the dining room. The breakfast was already on the table. I ate it quitely while thinking it would've felt so good to have breakfast with her atleast today. After wiping my mouth, I was about to leave when she walked in and said " Sit, I have something for you" I watched her as she placed the covered plate kind of a thing on the table in front of me. She gestured me to opened it as I watched her with confusion. It was a cute little cake with bunnies on it. I was about to cut in when she stopped me. As I patiently watched her she took out small candles from her aprons pocket and lit them up after placing them on the cake. "Join your hands close your eyes and make a wish" she said. I did as she said and prayed to the god 'Oh God, bless our relationship so that we stick together till the end of our lives' as I opened my eyes she started singing happy birthday song and I watched her with a  smile on my face or maybe I was not smiling I was blushing. She asked me to blow the candles. After blowing them I cut a piece of cake and watched her as she was feeding me the cake. "It's yummy" I said and she smiled.

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