Chapter 13

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{there is smut in this chapter so huehuehuehuehue enjoy.😏}

My breath hitches in my throat as his lips trail from my jawline towards my very sensitive neck, loving the way his touch sends shivers down my spine.

If this was someone else I would've probably punched them in face for coming in contact with my neck but this isn't just anybody, this is Phil.

His fingers messuage my scalp as he hums into the hickey, eyes shut and so into it, wanting to leave a mark on me, and honestly i'm not complaining.

Phil has a thing for leaving hickeys on me.

Once he finishes he pecks the fresh red hickey, murmuring a small "mine" when he witnessed what he just did to me.

"Yours." I bite my bottom lip as my legs wrap around his waist, pushing him onto me causing us to both gasp in pleasure, our midsection colliding onto one another.

"I want you Phil." My lust-filled eyes flutter shut as he kisses me once more, deepening it with so much need and urgency that I can't help but whimper out his name in protest.

And as he is about to answer me a ring from our doorbell interrupts our actions, my eyes widening in curiosity and annoyance.

"Who the hell?" I mutter at Phil, not wanting this to stop so suddenly.

And then Phil has this look of embarrassment because..

"Oh damn it I forgot I invited two of our friends that came to the UK to stay over our flat for today. I'm so sorry Dan I completely forgot, but hey we can continue tonight okay." Phil kisses me one last time before he gets off of me completely, to my dislike.

"That better be a promise." I huff as I thank the heavens that we didn't get too far into our little make out session or else I wouldn't have let Phil get off of me.

"It is. But you won't regret stopping our actions now because the people that are going to stay here today are people you love." Phil giggles at my confusion, who could I possibly love so much to be glad they stopped us before having sex??

My question gets answered when Phil goes down the steps and opens the door to our flat, welcoming our guests with warm hugs and greetings, and the voices I hear make my eyes tear up and teeth show in a grin due to joy.

And on que Tyler and Troye race up the steps towards my motionless body, both boys hugging me like there is no tomorrow, not believing I am actually okay and alive.

"Dan! Oh my god you have no idea how happy I am right now, seeing you alive and just ahhh, come here, give mama some sugar." Tyler pushes Troye aside to give me another big hug, his warm hands and familiar short body squishing my titan one, and god how I missed him.

I hug him back hard but not too hard, afraid to squish him under my arms that are twice the size of his.

"Get off my boyfriend and let me hug you too!" Troye slaps my arm and I protest, saying that he is the one that is latched onto me like a leech.

"He's just jealous Dan." Tyler's lips pucker slightly as he rolls his eyes, his sass making me double over.

Luckily Troye has his arms wrapped around my torso, his face buried into my chest, a cheeky smile plastered on his very pretty face, and I can't help but sniff at his sweet scent, lemon with a hint of cherry, my arms hugging him closer to me.

"I missed you guys, more then I thought I would actually." I mumble as Troye detaches himself from me, automatically slipping his arm around Tyler's waist, a light blush covering both their faces.

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