Chapter 1: A Tug in My Heart

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Nami POV

I have never seen Luffy so weakened. Whenever he goes to fight, he usually comes back injured but not to that level. Luffy was too important to me to lose. He freed me from Arlong and saved me from joining Shiki's crew. Without Luffy, I would still be in my village being forced to draw maps. I don't show it on my face but I can't thank Luffy enough. Although he is stupid and straightforward, he treasures his crewmates and will do anything for them. I know he'll do that for any of us since that's just who he is but sometimes I wish he would only treat me that way. Wait what the hell am I saying. Why would I want Luffy to treat me special? My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening. It was Robin. "Nami, what's wrong your face is red and look like your blushing." "It's nothing Robin. I probably still have some alcohol in my body from the banquet" I reply trying to hide my face. "Hmm Nami can I ask you something" Robin says. "What's up Robin" I ask wondering what she is going to say. "You like Luffy don't you?" I spit out the water in my mouth shocked by this statement. "W-w-w-what are talking about. M-m-me liking Luffy. No way. W-w-why would you think that?" I say trying to keep my composure but my heart was beating so fast. "Well you didn't leave his side the entire time he was asleep and I saw you holding his hand and playing with his hair while he was asleep." What the fuck. She saw that!!! "Umm I have no idea what you're talking about. Oh yeah I have to get some sleep. I'm a little tired you know" I say trying to change the subject. "Nami, it's obvious. We all can tell by the way you look at him." Robin says. "It-it's obvious?" I ask "who's we?" "Everyone in our crew probably knows except for the Luffy himself. Come on just admit it Nami." Robin says. I can't believe it. Everyone knew my feelings for Luffy? I was unsure myself but they seem to know me better than I know myself. "Fine. I don't know what it is but whenever I think of him, I feel a strong tug in my heart and I can't keep my composure." I answer. "Fufufufu" Robin starts to giggle. "What's so funny?" I ask. "I thought Luffy was clueless but it seems you are too Nami. That's what it's like when you have feelings for someone. You love him Nami." says Robin. I was shocked by Robin's statement but now that I still about it, it makes sense. It's obvious. My heart starts to feel tight whenever I see his smile. The sense of comfort whenever I wear his straw hat. The lonely feeling during the 2 years training and the joy I feel when I wake up in the morning thinking about the conversations to come with Luffy . All of my thoughts have been revolved around Luffy without me realizing it. My face starts to redden just thinking about him. "Robin. I think you're right. I do love him."

Luffy POV (a few moments earlier)

"Haaaaaaaaaaa I'm full. I ate so much meat. The food in Wano is so good" I say walking back to my room with Zoro. "Yeah the sake was delicious as well. That sake was fit for a yonko like me." Zoro says while laughing. "W-w-w-what are you talking about Robin!!!!!" I hear Nami and Robin's voice coming through the room across the hall. Zoro and I walk up to the room and as I'm about to enter I feel Zoro's hand grabbing mine. "Luffy stop. Let's listen to what their talking about. I've never heard that cold blooded thief make such a voice" says Zoro while placing his right ear on the door. I start to do the same. "Well you didn't leave his side the entire time he was asleep and I saw you holding his hand and playing with his hair while he was asleep" I heard Robin say. "Who are they talking about" I ask Zoro. I see a huge smirk coming from his face as he just ignored my question. After a few minutes, I start to head back to my room since I had no idea what they were talking about until I heard a quite unexpected statement. "Robin. I think you're right. I do love him." Shocked by this I start running back to my room and lay on my bed. "What the hell. Nami likes someone? Is it someone from the crew? Someone from Wano?" I start to think of people that Nami was close to. I started feeling a tight tug near my chest and it hurt. What was this feeling? I've never felt anything like this before? Carrying this uncomfortable feeling in my chest, I yell for Zoro. He comes running into my room and asks what up. "Do you sense anyone else in this room besides us?" I ask. "No just me and you Luffy" he says. "Why what's wrong" he asks. "I feel like someone's grabbing my heart and it's painful" I say. "What? Since when?" he asks. "I don't know. I started thinking about who Nami was talking about when she said she loved someone and it just started hurting." I answer. "Hahahaha" says Zoro as he starts laughing. "Luffy, you idiot. That's jealousy." "Jealousy?" I ask. "Is that a food? Is it good???" I ask as my mouth starts watering. "Luffy I'm going to ask you something and I want you to answer honestly" I hear Zoro say. "Okay?" I answer confused. "You like Nami don't you?" says Zoro. "What? Of course I like her. She wouldn't be in my crew if I didn't." I answer wondering why Zoro was asking such an obvious thing. "No that's the kind of like that you feel for your crew and meat. I'm talking about something different." says Zoro. Trying to figure out what he's talking about, I put my hand on my chin and start thinking until Zoro interrupts my train of thought. "Ok imagine this scenario. Robin starts to date a random dude. How would you feel?" asks Zoro. "Nothing really it's up to her if she wants to be with someone." I answer. Zoro starts to talk, "Ok but what if Nami told you that she has a boyfriend." says Zoro. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! That's not allowed." I say as I start to feel the tightness in my chest from before. "Zoro my chests hurting again." "HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA" says Zoro while laughing. "That's jealousy you idiot. You do like her" he says while dying of laughter. "You have a special feeling towards Nami that you can only feel with her." he says. "Why would you let Robin date a guy even though you wouldn't let Nami" he asks. I start thinking about this. I didn't feel anything about Robin but when Zoro said if Nami were to date someone I got upset. "I'm not sure" I answer. "Let me tell you why Luffy. You want her to yourself and don't want any other guy taking her away from you. You love Nami." says Zoro. "What does love mean. I love meat and the rest of you guys too." I say. Then Zoro leans over and whispers in my ear "You want to kiss Nami don't you?" Processing this thought in my mind, Zoro starts laughing and walks back to his room.

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