Sledge x reader(Part 1)

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(Ok so tbh I have no idea what I'm going to really write when it comes to situations or settings but basically I have been trying to draw people and my poses always look stiff or not the right length and theres always something off with my faces and I wanted something to distract myself from the pain and well here we are. I didnt feel like writing but fuck it here we go. I'm thinking about maestro next since I think I remember seeing someone request for him but I'm gonna do one of the big boys rn. If the plot seems off it's because I haven't thought about anything. Also I'm thinking about writing 3 chapters about this boy.)

6 has just recruited you into the team which made you excited but also nervous because you read on a file saying that theres over 50 people in the base. That really begs the question though on how she kept everything in order with so many people involved, not to mention the amount of space the base took. From what you saw while standing infront of it next to your car is that it looked like it was 3 stories tall and wide enough to probably hold many rooms within it. Getting out of your trance you open your car door and drag out your bag filled with clothes. You locked it and huffed out a nervous sigh before walking to the front door. You didnt even get a chance to knock since 6 was already there as if she already knew you arrived, "ah (y/n) there you are. Welcome to rainbow, please let me show you around." You quickly walked in so you could get out of the cold. Walking in a wave of warm air hit you along with voices coming from different rooms. 6 showed you were your room would be as well as the kitchen, living room, workout room, dining room, the shooting range, and lastly the cafeteria. (You can imagine which operators are in which rooms, I just didnt write much cause.... well u know) in the cafeteria you saw a bunch of operators chatting with eachother across the circular tables.

Looking at how everyone seemed to get along the nerves within you started to bubble up, your nervousness taking full effect on you making you feel like you didnt belong within a crowd like this. Thank God you wore a mask so no one could see your emotions but the butterflies never went away. In fact they got worse as 6 spoke louder grabbing everyone's attention towards you and 6. "Good evening everyone. I would like to inform you that we have recruited a new member to our team, this here is (y/n) and I hope you make her feel right at home." You were to afraid to talk so you awkwardly waved a little with your hand to everyone. To your surprise some people waved back with a gentle smile as they all went back to their conversations. 6 turned to you and held your shoulder with her hand, "if theres anything you need be sure to come to me. I'll be in my office on the second floor." She walks off leaving you standing infront of the cafeteria. Suddenly you felt a hand touch your shoulder making you jump a little bit. You quickly turned to see a man with orange hair and sunglasses on. He stood taller than you which didnt surprise you since you were 4'11 but he surely seemed surprised. "G'day mate, my code names Mozzie but you can call me Max." You nervously said hi back and you could tell he was gonna say something else he was cut off by hearing the quick footsteps headed in your direction. Before you knew it a large tall woman picked you up and held you like a child.

"Oh my God YOUR SO DAMN CUTE! Your even smaller than mozzie and ying Ooohhh I could just eat you up!" You felt what you could assume mozzie pulling on the back of your shirt trying to pull you down, "Oi cunt put her down your gonna crush her, your making a terrible first impression!" And with that you finally felt your feet touch the floor, "right, right sorry. I'm known as gridlock around here mate, glad to have ya. Do you want to be introduced to the others?" Not wanting anymore attention you slightly tensed up, "No no I'm good, I'll just settle in my room and get stuff situated for now." Gridlock nodded in understandment and walked away, bringing mozzie with her. You quickly headed up to your room so no ones eyes will be on you again. Making it to your room you began looking around noticing the big bed to the right along with the average things like a dresser, a small table with a computer, perfect for your hacking abilities to come into play or maybe just for the right use for cat videos on YouTube, and a little bathroom. Opening up your bag you start organizing your stuff in your new dresser. While you did so you heard a knock on the door. Not wanting to stop with what you were doing you said, "Come in." As you heard the door open and close you heard someone sit down on the bed, "Hello my names Seamus but on the field I'm called sledge. How do you feel about this place so far?" Due to the accent you could tell they were Scottish making you turn your head to look at him. You were surprised to see him have a muscular form that was visible under the white tank top he wore along with a bald head.

"Not sure, this place and everyone else seems bigger than me and I feel as if I dont belong. But I think people could be nice if I knew them." He smiled as he layed on his back with his hands under his head, "trust me theres alot of people here you'll find as a friend....well maybe some people would have to warm up to you first but I bet they would eventually. Also it's normal for you to feel a little frightened, especially on the first day. I heard from 6 that your a pretty good shot even though you dont have much experience with em. Do you want to head to the shooting range later to show your menacing skills?" You chuckled as you just finished up with putting your clothes away, "I dont know about menacing but sure." Sledge turned his head towards you, "why not?" You sat next to him and twirled and fidget with your hands awkwardly as sledge leaned on his elbows so his head could look at you, "well I dont think anyone that is seen as a midget will be thought of as menacing." He smiled and leaned up to put a hand on your shoulder. Even with both of you sitting next to eachother he was still taller than you. "Dont worry to much about your height. If anyone makes fun of you for that I'll beat them I swear." You giggled as he ruffled your hair. He stood up with a grunt and stretched, "welp if you need me I'll be in the small bar with the pool table drinking with the mute and Thatcher. See you later (y/n). " - "okay bye, I'll probably take a quick nap." He chuckled as he clossed the door leaving you in peace. Maybe this place wasnt gonna be bad after all. Sticking to your word you place your mask on the nightstand and curl up in the covers, slowly drifting off to sleep.

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