Tachanka x Reader

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(Part 1.)

( alright so I know it's been forever since I made a new chapter and tbh I have it all planned out on paper but....well it's been 1 of those weeks where I tell myself that I will write or draw something at least but I never do it. I'm not sure why but I'm sick of it. I'm forcing a chapter to everyone out here cause I know it's unfair to leave you all in the dark. However after eating some nice dinner I'm only gonna write the first half today and the rest tomorrow cause I want to sleep. Also FWI this isnt a continuation of the first 2 tachanka chapters)

Your eyes saw nothing but darkness as another blow struck your face, blood dripping down your nose you didnt bother to look up again. Just last week you were in the navy and someone named 6 wanted to recruit you into their team. And all because of you not being able to shut your mouth about it someone unwanted heard you and how here you were at the hands of your kidnappers. They put you in a cold dark room with nothing but the chair you were tied up on. These men in white masks have been non stop harassing you asking the same things. "Where are they located?, Who are they?" Those sort of things. You didn't really know what they were talking about until they mentioned about rainbow. Not wanted to get kicked out of rainbow without entering you refused to say a word which resulted in more beatings to the face from 2 specific men. 1 of which would try to force you to give him a blowjob but after nearly biting his dick in half it never happened again. Realizing that no matter how much they beat you they wouldnt get anything out of it your abuser rubbed the back of his head looking up sighing. The other looked at you with lustful eyes then turned towards his friend. (Ok so this part is a bit spicy involving rape but no penetration....just fair warning) "sooo can I?" His friend gave him a 'really' look and shook his head. "This is about business not slacking off and fucking around, literally."

The man groaned, clearly irritated which nearly made you laugh but you kept your composure. "Come on! She isnt helping us anyways. Why keep her if theres nothing to come from it unless she has other uses?" His friend was still irritated but gave a huff and surprisingly he said to go ahead which made the man quickly untie you and pick you up, slamming you down onto a mattress on the floor in the corner of the room you didnt know existed. Not wanting any of this you struggled  and tried to kick him off. He already unbuckled his pants but he couldn't get you to be still for him to pull your pants or his boxers down. He looked over to his friend pleading for help but only recieving another shake of the head, "remember you wanted this, I'm not joining in or helping, but if you used your brain maybe you can figure out what position a girl would have to be in to not struggle at all." Hearing that must have sparked an idea in his mind as he let go of you for a second. You tried to get away but he flipped you over and grabbed both of your wrists behind your back and lifted your hips. You could feel a skinny buldge hit your thigh as he sighed finally freeing himself from his clothing. You tried to wiggle but it was no use. He pulled down your pants, moved your underwear aside and right when you felt his disgusting head touch you a burning sound could be heard from somewhere. This made the 2 men look around confused. Before they could react the metal door had a hole blasted through it. You couldnt see who it was but all you could hear was shouting and a few gunshots. Feeling the now dead man collapse on you, you scurry out from under him and quickly pull your pants up with a few visible tears running down your face.

"Is that her?" You looked up to see a red headed woman, a tall muscular man that looked to be a little chubby, a medium sized man with goggles and bandages around his hands along with a blond haired woman with blue eyes. (So basically Ash, Tachanka, Thermite and IQ) The red head nodded towards the blonde one, "yep that's her. I can tell by the uniform. " the taller man saw the corpse next to you and your terrified form putting 2 and 2 together along with the bloody nose. He crouched down to your level. Due to the lighting you couldn't see his eyes past the green helmet but all you could tell from him was that he was Russian by the accent. "Are you ok?" He offered a hand to help you stand. Reluctantly you took it, his strength helping you up with ease which took you by surprise almost more than the convenient timing of their arrival. "Yeah..th..they didnt get a chance to do much." He sighed with relief, "good now let's get you out of here." The smaller man was rushing to the door in a panic, "better hurry they called reinforcements! " taking that as your que all 5 of you rushed out, of course with you following their lead with the taller man looking back at you every now and then.  Once taking a dense trail through the back of the building you were held in, you saw a big car that has the number 6 on the side of it. Once all of you were inside many of you were panting and sweating. The blonde girl got into the driver's seat and flored it out of there. The man with the bandages looks over at you with a smile and a chuckle. "I'm sorry I dont think we introduced ourselves properly.  I'm Thermite although you can call me Jordon." He then pointed at the others, "This is IQ or Monika, that's Alexsander also called Tachanka, and last but not least Ash or Eliza." They all said they hellos and waves before it went silent for the most part. Out of no where something touched your face scaring you a bit. You looked over and saw tachanka holding a peice of cloth. "Dont move." He pressed the cloth against your nose making you flinch back a bit from the pain, "I can do it myself." Tachanka looked at you for 3 seconds before shrugging and handing you the cloth. "Alright but keep applying pressure." He crossed his arms and seemed to kinda pout not being able to help you so you said something you haven't said in a while, "thank you. " he looked at you from the side and from his eyes squinting you can tell he was smiling. "Your welcome."

At this point you realized you haven't introduced yourself yet..well maybe they already knew but you felt obligated to do so anyways, "I'm (y/n) by the way." Ash thermite nodded, "nice to meet ya." The car ride took a very long time so you decided to close your eyes for a bit after putting pressure against your nose for a few minutes. Soon you fell asleep, leaning against the left window while tachanka sat next to you, thermite across from you with IQ in the driver's seat and ash sitting next to her. (Ok yeah this took longer than I though and I'm tired as hell. I'll make a chapter 2 for this instead. Tf do I call it though so people dont get confused? 1.0? Idk, also i typed fast so idk if theres spelling errors, I'll check later when my eyes aren't burning.)

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