Sledge x Reader (Part 2)

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(I'm not really sure where I left off with my last chapter so fuck it, I'm just gonna speed up time XD I just realized that this makes no sense cause the first chapter had the main character being known for a good shooter but in this one they never held a gun.....hmm um let's just pretend that the good shot part in the first chapter is about the main characters drones that fire bullets, that way this makes more sense)

It's been a few weeks now since you joined rainbow and you have now memorized the layout of the building and you have shown dokkaebi your hacking abilities making you two the hacker duo, playing pranks by calling others phones and even flashing the lights from time to time. Today was the day for you to be in the shooting range and test out a few guns there but you were a bit nervous since you never actually held guns that often before. Usually your drones would do most of the work. But you kept your spirit knowing that sledge would accompany you as well as bandit to help you learn. As you walked in the shooting range you saw bandit setting up the guns on a table and sledge got up from the chair he was sitting on as soon as he saw you with a smile on his face. "Hey (y/n), you ready to start shooting?" You chuckled feeling a bit anxious, "as ready as I'll ever be I guess." Sledge put his big hand on your shoulder and leaned down so he could look you in the eyes, "dont be nervous alright. No one is here to hurt you, plus you have me here to watch over you." You looked at him with a surprised expression, "how did you-?" Before you could finish your sentence he put a finger on your lips, "i can just tell."- "Hey love birds you wanna actually practice or no?" You almost forgot bandit was there before he yelled to get the attention of you and sledge. Shrugging it off you both walk to the table that bandit has prepared for you. "I dont have everything here since some operators are on a mission right now but I have at least 5 here that have bullets in them. This here is the AR33, this is the P9, this is the 6P41, the SMG11, and the SG-CQB."

Sledge picks up the P9 and hands it to you, "since it's your first time you should start with something light." Bandit shrugs and nods, "makes sense. Make sure you dont straighten your arms while aiming the gun and to cover your... wait where are the ear muffs?" Sledge chuckled, "it's fine I'll just use my hands." You and sledge walked up to a counter that had ammo on it, in the back of the room you saw thick plastic boards that had drawn human figures on them with a red target on the chest, some even had bullet holes in them. You felt sledge cup his hands over your ears as you aimed the handgun towards one of the targets. It was a bit hard to aim since it was heavy but you managed to pull the trigger and the recoil made you flinch a little bit. Through your muffled ears you heard sledge say to point to the right a little bit. You did as you were told and you pulled the trigger again, this time though you saw your shot land on the right shoulder of the target. After a few more shots sledge removed his hands which left an odd ringing sound in your ears. Bandit put out his cigarette in a nearby ash tray, "not bad for a first timer. Try something bigger as we talk in private for a bit." Sledge raised an eyebrow but followed bandit to a corner of the room as you were left to choose what ever you wanted on the table. The assault rifle was tempting but you decided to start with the shotgun.

You didnt really know how to hold a shotgun so you figured it would be the same as any short gun so you put the end of the shotgun close to your nose since it was a bit smaller and you aimed at the targets.

(Sledge P.O.V)

"What is it?" I follow dominic to a chair in the corner of the room and I watch him turn on his heels as he sighs. "You like her dont you?" Where did this come from? I shake my head confused, "why would i-". Domonic groans, "oh come on it's not hard to tell with the way how you act infront of her." I roll my eyes to make him less suspicious but I have to admit I actually do feel something for (y/n) even though I pratically just met her. The way how she laughs, and generally how she acts is really drawing me towards her. Then suddenly I saw a panicked look in Domonics face, "No no NO!" As I get snapped out of my thoughts I get pushed to the side by Domonic followed right after a gun shot and a Yelp coming from behind me. I quickly rush to (y/n) as I see blood dripping from her chin as she covers her nose with her hands, tears welling up in her eyes. "What happened?!" Domonic picks up the shotgun and quickly sets it aside, "She put the butt of the gun infront of her face."

(Your P.O.V)

Your nose began to throb in pain as blood continued to drip. "Let me see." Sledge moved my hands away from my face and looks even more worried seeing your nose is slightly crooked now. Bandit grabbed a peice of cloth from his pocket and gave it to you so you can stop the bleeding for now, "take her to gustave." Sledge nodded and held your arm to guide you to docs office. When you both got there how ever no one was there, "shit, wait here." You watch him speed walk away and you were left infront of the door for a min before you saw sledge come back with doc. Gustave looks at your condition and quickly unlocked his door ushering you inside. "Sit here my dear and tell me what happened." You felt embarrassed for getting into a situation like this but you knew you had to fess up. "I was just practicing with the guns at the shooting range and I aimed the shotgun and...." Doc heard the disappointment in your voice as he wet a rag with warm water before walking towards you. With his left hand he holds up your chin and with the right he carefully cleans around your nose dabbing here and there. "You dont need to feel ashamed my dear, next time though try to pay attention on how guns are handled while someone is aiming them, theres different ways to hold guns. But even with just shotguns to assault rifles you must put the butt of the gun on your shoulder to absorb the recoil. You didnt do that did you?" You tried to avoid eye contact but it was practically useless since doc was directly infront of you, "..No."

After cleaning up the blood he uses the other side of the rag and puts it under your nose, "this is gonna hurt." Before you could question he quickly snapped your nose back into place making you Yelp and flinch back a bit. Sledge now being more concerned looks over his shoulder, "I thought she would need surgery." Doc held the back of your head while dabbing some blood that dripped out. "Surgery is an option but since her nose was not severely fractured all it needed was a little push in the right direction. As long as she puts ice on her nose for 15 to 20 minutes 3 to 4 times a day it will heal naturally.  But make sure to not bump into anything, that spot will be tender for a while. I'll get some pains meds for you." As doc moves to the sink to wash off the rag sledge takes a closer look at your face, watching your face swell a little, you saw the sadness in his eyes as he held your chin, his eyes examining your nose. You give a weak smile to try to cheer him up, "why the long face?" Sledge sighs and looks down, "well I said that I would make sure nothing bad happened but seeing you like this I feel like I failed already." You gave a genuine smile and giggled, "it's alright,  it was my fault not yours."

Before he could respond doc walked up to you and gave you a pill container. "This is acetaminophen, itll help lessen the pain." You smiled and put it in your pocket, "thanks doc." He smiled back as he took off his gloves, "vous êtes le bienvenu (your welcome), stay safe. And also get some rest, it's getting late." Sledge looked down at his watch noticing the time as well. With a goodbye you both head out of his office. As you walked you noticed sledge was still following you to your dorm and he stopped you as soon as you reached the doorknob, "listen I know this is going to sound weird but... could.. I spend the night with you? Just to..well comfort you in a way." You raised an eyebrow but decided that it wouldnt hurt, "I guess if you want to but dont try any funny business." He smiled and quickly drew an invisible X on the left side of his chest, "I swear." You held open the door to let him in and as you clossed the door you watched sledge lay on your bed face first but slowly making his way under the covers. He turns his head and watches you lock the door and then turn towards him, "forgetting to take off something?" His eyes go wide, "What?..." you didnt realize why he is so surprised, he should know how people normally sleep right?. "Look I dont know how you sleep but normally I wouldnt sleep with any shoes on." As you began to remove your own shoes he let out a little sigh but you couldn't tell if it was from realization or relief but then something popped into your head. You sat on the bed watching him take off his shoes, "soo....what were you and bandit talking about?" He froze for a second before removing his other shoe, "nothing...he was just talking to me about...things. I might talk to you about it later but I'm tired for now." 

Agreeing you layed down and turned off the lamp light, snuggling under the covers. Only a few minutes passed and you weren't fully asleep yet until you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your small frame in a protective manner which made you giggle, knowing that sledge was a cuddly person as you slowly drift off to sleep.

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