chapter three

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Conans P.O.V

I watched as Detective (L/N) left the dpd, my eyes lingering on the door even after they left before I looked back at the terminal on my desk 'Detective Reed and Detective (L/N) are awfully close with eachother...' I thought, letting out an artificial sigh before I slightly shook my head to get that thought out of my system. It was weird that Detective Reed actually had any friends at the department. I scanned the area around me and noticed my predecessor, Connor 'Maybe he knows why the two Detectives are so close with eachother' I thought before getting up and swiftly turning towards the RK800 model and walking over. “Hello Connor” I said, my voice cold and monotone as I looked at the deviated android in front of me. He was shorter than me which is quite amusing since we look identical if it wasn't for our different eye colours. “Oh, hello Conan” said the brown eyed android with a smile on his face which is weird since our model line wasn't made to smile. I looked at him with a serious expression which immediately made him also become quite serious “I've wanted to ask..are Detective (L/N) and Detective Reed close with eachother?” I saw Connors led turn yellow as he thought for a short moment before responding “They are quite close indeed...why are you asking?” Connor tilted his head at me as I just shook my head slightly “No reason...” before resuming my assigned words. They couldn't be that close with eachother, they can't possibly be a...couple.

I'm really sorry that it's this short, I've been getting pretty distracted whilst writing it and I've got also other stories planned and currently being written, I'm sorry ^^"


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