Chapter fourteen

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Grace's pov

"Grace! Grace wake up?"

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"Grace! Grace wake up?"

"Just... 2 more minutes"

"You said that 10 minutes ago! Get up!"

I shigead finally opening my eyes, the sun light making me regret doing so. I sat straight up on my bed, passing my hand over my face. Why waking up was this hard?

Me and Mia (I like the sound of that lol) have been talking all night long, she is like the funniest person I have ever met, not to mention she is insanely nice and pretty. It was around 3 or so in the morning when we finally drifted to sleep

Thankfully lessons didn't start today so I could allow me more time to wake up, it usually takes me five minutes or so, not more or I fell back asleep once again and then it's really over.

I stretched my arms and leg getting out of bed. I heard a little clap of hands and I turned to see a very sarcastic Mia clapping her hands to me for finally waking up. I rolled my eyes moving to the bathroom

"Very funny"

Today I'll get a proper tour of the school, by the one and only Lucius Malfoy. I am going to tell you the intonation you need to read my last sentece: the first part is excited while the Lucius thing is an annoyed tone. You are welcome.

"What time is it anyways?"

I asked at the brunette who was now watching through her clothes to see what she could wear

"7.30 I guess"


I said opening my arms ins disabealf: today is Sunday, who wakes up early on sundays? She rolled her eyes

"We can take our time"

She said with a shrug, I sighed taking my bath stuff

"I could of have taken my time to sleep. I am taking a shower"

And with that I opened the bathroom door, getting ready for the day

"I am not saying it's strange! I am saying it's insane!"

I exclaimed while we were making our way to the great hall

"I like to weak up early on sundays because I just get the sundays vibes, and I want to enjoy them as much as I can!"

Mia tried to reason with me but I just shook my head. It was not worth it. Once we arrived to the great hall there were just a few students from each house due to the early time. Thanks Mia. Again

We made our way to the slytherin's table with many curious glances from around the hall. I've grown used to this but it always makes me feel out of place , like something that shouldn't be there.

"Goodmorning Black"

I said as I sat down next to Regulus, he turned towards me with a small smile, his morning face was quit adorable: he had little bags under his eyes and his hair was a bit messier.

"Hello Grindelwald and... Maria?"

He asked looking at Mia, her checks went red, I don't know why, if it's for embarrassment or because the very Regulus Black, one of the most noble pureblood was talking to her, a muggleborn

"I-umh... Mia, acutally"

She said sitting next to me. Reg just nodded and focused again on his breakfast. I looked around in search of Cereal or something to eat with milk. I am a milk person, I can't start my day if I don't have just a bit of milk. Back in Beauxbatons Gabri used to joke about it saying "you never got to have mother's milk as a child and now you want it, it's something psichologyc I guess" wich acutally made sense if I think about it

I sighed in content once I found a big bowl of cereal. Soon after many other students were coming and I spotted between the Griffyndors Remus. I waved at him and he answered with smile, making some tea drop on his robe, wich caused him to curse and me to laugh at him. He is a dork

"Grace, you ready for the tour?"

I turned to Lucius, nodding a bit sad to leave my friends. I told them that we would of hav seen each other at lunch and with that I followed the platinum haired boy out of the room

"You know how to play quidditch?"

"I do"

I answered him. We were now walking around the pitch, we already went to visit the insides of the castle wich are impressive to be honest, he told me that not all the rooms or places were known though. That made me quit curious because mother told me that Salazar had a secret chamber and that only his heir could open it up. Maybe I can try? Just casually you know...

"Lucky you, I happen to be the quidditch captain for Slytherin"

He stated proudly, adjusting his knot tie. I rolled my eyes making sure he could not see that though


"I know, for two years now. Mother and father were very pleased wit-"

"Ok Lucius, I get it. Now tell me about quidditch here"

He sighed annoyed but he still answered

"Try outs are next week, I'll let you know the particulars"

I breathed out an exasperated thank you. After that we sat on the pitch and we started talking. Turns out Lucius Idiot Malfoy it's not that much of an idiot. Well he is like 99% of the time per for the 1% left he is quit enjoyable.

I am still on the defensive with him, this might all be a strategy to get some family informations and stuff, not that I know many or that I care, but still, it always angered me when people tried to find something about you whitouth asking it directly. I am still pissed off when people ask me some very personal things but at least they don't put on a double face

"It's late, we should head back for lunch"

I nodded getting up. As we walked back into the castle i took in all the magnificence of Hogwarts. It was so solemnly, beautiful and it also had that int of mystery added up that made everything perfect. This is home now

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