Chapter Four

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Kubfu struggled, hitting the Absol furiously. "ABRA, AB!"Abra yelled struggling with Sableye's grip. Riolu stayed unconscious, laying on Blitzle's back motionless. Crawdaunt dragged Skitty behind him, bringing them to a small camp. The Pokémon dropped them, causing Riolu to wake up. Where Riolu blinked. Welcome to our camp Absol growled. Why are we here Kubfu demanded glaring at them. Absol walked away, over to a small den. The four Pokémon followed, all looking cautious. A Charmander laid sick on a moss bed, struggling to breath. He turned over, panting coming from the small Pokémon. How did this happen Kubfu asked. He was beaten by his trainer, and the trainer had its Pokémon attack the little guy, he was poisoned and paralyzed, then left in the woods not far from here Absol replies.

Kubfu nodded to Riolu, who ran off quickly. There are some berries nearby, we've been using those to help him, they work but the beat down he's gotten...we can't help him with that Absol sighed. We took him in, he's Absol's protege and caretaker Sableye says. Absol growled at Sableye silencing him. Where is the Riolu going? Crawdaunt demands. Kubfu stayed silent, causing Crawdaunt to get dangerously closer, but Absol stopped it using a mini hyper beam on the ground. We shall not fight here, this is a no fighting area, you wanna fight take that outside the camp Sableye frowned. Charmander started to toss and turn, bruises covering its body. Kubfu looked up, hoping Riolu was going fast enough to reach their trainer.

"Riolu, Kubfu, Abra!"Alisha yelled looking around worriedly. "Skitty if you can hear me, I'm over here!"Ruby called. Mallow looked through bushes, hoping to at least find a clue. "Charizard you find anything"Alain asked as Charizard returned with Floette beside him. Charizard shook his head, then took flight again, with Floette following close behind. "We'll never find them!"Alisha yelled her eyes starting to water. Bede placed a hand on her shoulder. "We will find them"Bede promised. "Yeah don't worry"Mairin smiled. "Rio!"Riolu yelled leaping down. Alisha caught him, smiling at Riolu. "Where's the others"Abby asked alarmed. Riolu leaped down, then ran off quickly. The group followed him, noticing a barrier of bushes up ahead. Riolu walked through a small hole, vanishing. "Riolu!"Alisha called crouching down.

She crawled through, following Riolu. "Wow..."Mairin blinked coming out in a little Pokémon camp. A Shadow ball hit the ground, taking both girls by surprise. "Alisha! Mairin!"Alain yelled hearing an explosion going off. Alisha stood in front of Mairin, her arms glowing a bright pink. "Alisha..."Marin stared surprised. "Who did that?!"Alisha demanded. A second Shadow ball came, and she sliced through it, causing another explosion. An Absol leaped down, getting another Shadow ball ready. Kubfu appeared, waving his arms, and shaking his head. "KoKo!"Kubfu yelled glaring. Absol growled at Kubfu, but walked away. Alisha's arms stopped glowing as she followed the Absol. 

Alisha crouched down, looking at the Charmander. "You guys okay"Alain asked hurrying over. She picked up Charmander, placing him on her lap. "Bandages"Alisha says calmly. Mairin handed her a roll of bandages, watching her help the little Charmander. "Someone's gonna get a major beat down from me"Alisha growled bandaging Charmander up. She took a purple potion out of her bag, spraying Charmander's bruises, before bandaging that spot up. Charmander opened his eyes, finding an Oran berry in front of him. "Eat up, it'll help the healing process"Alisha says gently. Alain watched silently, crouched down beside Mairin. "You're staring Alain"Mairin giggled.

"You know a lot about helping pokemon Alisha"Bede grinned crouching beside her. "Ali"Alisha corrects. "Ali"Bede nodded getting a small smile from her. She looked at Absol silently, the two staring at each other. "He'll be better in a few days"Alisha informed. Absol nodded, growling a bit. "Lets go guys"Alisha beckoned. "Char!"Charmander yelled grabbing her pants leg. "You gotta stay here and heal, one day you'll find the perfect person for you"Alisha smiled petting Charmander. She turned, finding a different way out. She climbed up a tree, and landed on the other side, with Abra and Kubfu hanging onto her. Riolu landed beside her, and grinned proud of itself.

"Santalune City is just down this path"Alain informs. "Then lets go"Alisha nodded grinning slightly. She returned Abra, and Riolu to their pokeballs, and placed the balls in her backpack. Kubfu leaped onto her shoulder, and she climbed into the nearest tree. Alisha leaped from branch to branch, a large smile on her face. Charmander followed them, watching Alisha closely. "Char...."Charmander stared his eyes twinkling. He chased after them, keeping hidden. "Santalune City here we come"Alisha grinned. "Now I can get my first gym badge"Mairin clapped beaming.

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