2.5) A chance

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"If you still love me please give me a chance to prove i love you," Carlisle begged. There are moments in life that will shape your future. A fifty fifty chance of success or failure and no way to tell which. Imagine a path, long and winding. Wind blowing throughout the trees, creating a loud moan like noise. The leaves turning red, and the air bitter and cold. Once you reach the end of the path, there a two ways in which you may go. One is lined with long luscious open trees and a bright sun. Autumn leaves lining the path making it look like something off pinterest. 

The other almost blackened with darkness. The leaves look black due to the lack of light, and the trees packed tightly together. Sounds of owls and twigs could be heard from where you stood.

Well which path do you wish to go down? 

If you picked path one, you are dead. If you pick the second path you are home safe. 

"Okay," Harriet whispered to Carlisle. Her path had been chosen, it seemed to be the dark path after what Carlisle had done. He'd tainted their love, but at the end was a happy ending. Without him she would be lost in her own sadness. "But you do anything like this again i will be so far away from Forks you'll never see me again." 

Carlisle's smile was brigther then it had been in months, he had once chosen the wrong path and was now luckily forgiven. He quickly leant down and captured her lips. She was hesitant at first, but quickly the sparks that he'd always given her had consumed her body. She pressed her warm body up to his cold one. Once pulled away their forheads were placed together. "Things wont be the same as before, i can't be friends with either Alice or Cedric. Epescially Cedric. It was hard not saying anything at the wedding. Wait did you know?" 

"No, i promise. Edward- or should i say Cedric- asked to join our coven a few years back and wanted me to say i was the one to turn him," Carlisle explained. He felt bad for the love of his life, she had been through more that anyone in the coven- Jasper a close second- and they had left her even more broken then before. He placed a second kiss on her lips, Harriet let out a blissful sigh. "Bout time!" She heard Emmett scream from the other room and it was honestly hard not to laugh. 

The love of a wizard (3)- Carlisle CullenWhere stories live. Discover now