2.7) Diagon Alley

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Everyone in the room continued to argue, Harriet placed her head in her hands as Carlisle Rubbed her back. Bella was going to be okay and would finally be able to have an actual family with Edward. She couldn't stand the fact that after all the information she had given the family half of them still seem to disbelieve it. So quietly the young girl left the room, not wanting to be around them. She had forgiven Carlisle but it was still a bit to much to handle. She still didn't trust him. So she silently made her way home.

Once she got home she activated the home floo network, and went straight to diagon alley. Her magic buzzed being surrounded by other magic users and creatures. She could barely keep the smile of her face as she made her way through the tightly packed street. Smiling wizards at every shop entrance, witches grinning ear to ear. Their world was back to normal, and everyone noticed their saviour was in Diagon alley. 

Harriet couldn't deny that the constant stares and whispers aggravated her, but she had grown up with them from the moment she stepped her foot into the wizarding world. "Harriet!" She heard her name being called excitedly behind her.

There stood in all her glory was Hermione Granger. 

The two embraced each-other with a tight and smiley hug. "I have missed you so much Mione!" Harriet laughed. they had only been separated a few days but they did miss each-other greatly.

After a moment they headed for the leaky caldron, where they bumped into Luna and Neville. It was like a whole ass reunion when Draco, Ron and harry appeared straight out of work. "Does anyone remember when the cornish pixies stuck Neville to the ceiling?" Hermione laughed after they had all had way too many firewhisky's. 

"Why is it always me?" Harriet quoted causing everyone to burst into laughter once more, their laughs turned into giggles as Harriets phone rang.

"HellOo," she sang drunkly into the phone.

Carlisle hadn't notice Harriet leaving the house, with the tension going on and all. And when he realised he was worried she had left him again. "Harriet are you okay, where are you?" He asked and tensed when he heard a male chuckle.

"RONALD WEASLEY PUT THAT DOWN NOW!" Carlisle heard a female voice scream through the phone. 

"OOoo Ron's in the dig house!" Neville snorted. "I did tell him that 5 glasses of firewhiskey would reck him but who listens to me anyway?" 

Draco nodded to the man, "I warned you too Harriet."

Carlisle on the other end of the phone was heavily tense hearing all the men she was surrounded by but recognised the name Ron as her best friend, "Darling where are you?" 

Harriet seemingly rememebered she was actually on the phone laughed. "The leaky caludron of cOURse! MuggLES ARE useLess! You KNow CarLISley You REally hurt me." Her voice suddenly got sad and quiet. "I don't trust you anymore." And with that Harry took her phone, hanging up on the man. 

"If he isn't making you happy why are you with him?"

The love of a wizard (3)- Carlisle CullenWhere stories live. Discover now