chapter 1

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It was around 7 o'clock at night on a seemingly average Friday night in July when Viola Albrech's father stormed into her room unannounced.

"Get changed. Something presentable. We're leaving in 5 minutes," he instructed sternly, an all too familiar scowl on his face. "And don't be late," he added as he turned on his heel, shutting the door behind him.

Viola jumped off of her bed, where she had been peacefully perched with a book clad in her pajamas for nearly an hour.

"Merlin, what is Father gotten me into this time," she huffed aloud as she scurried over to her wardrobe, pulling the doors open. She frustratedly flipped through her clothes, not knowing what 'something presentable' entailed.

Settling on a simple black dress with black stockings, she quickly changed into them, tossing her pajamas onto the floor beside her. As soon as she slipped her small heeled mary janes onto her feet, she rushed out her bedroom door, scurrying down the staircase to meet her father at the front room.

If there was one thing Viola was certain of, it was that she could never be late for her father.

"Where are we going? Wha—" she stammered before her father cut her off.

"You'll see soon enough, Viola. Come," he demanded, as he pulled her to the fireplace and firmly stating "Malfoy Manor".

They stepped out into the all familiar foyer of Malfoy Manner.

"Right on time I see," a voice said to her right, and Viola turned to find Lucius Malfoy peering at them from across the room. "The Dark Lord is ready for you," Lucius told the two of them, though his gaze was stuck to Viola.

She gulped, unsure what the Dark Lord wanted with her of all people.

"Come, Viola," her father called harshly as he began striding down the hall, as if she were a pet of sorts.

Viola often questioned her father's view of her, whether he truly saw her as his daughter or as merely a prized possession being groomed for... something. She couldn't quite figure that part out yet. She was sure for a long while it was to prepare her to be courted, so that she could aptly marry a wealthy pure-blood of a good family and carry out their family's legacy. However, the closer he became to the Dark Lord, the more she was beginning to think he was grooming her for other purposes... grooming her for him, whatever that entailed.

As they reached the end of the dark hallway, her father pushed the large black door before them open, revealing the Dark Lord seated in an extravagant arm chair.

"Ah, Byron you've arrived," the Dark Lord greeted her father as he entered the room, Viola following behind. "And you've brought the girl. Good," he stated as his eyes landed on her.

To say she was nervous would be a vast understatement.

She was terrified... but not just of the Dark Lord; she was terrified of what he might do, what he might find out if she wasn't as strong at Occlumency as she thought she was.

Viola wasn't like other family members of Death Eaters. She was different. She was good, but no one could ever know that, especially not her father and especially not the Dark Lord.

"Come. Come, Viola," the Dark Lord gestured for her to step closer. She took a couple steps, but that wasn't good enough. "Closer," he called, and she continued until she was right in front of him.

"Your father informs me that he believes it is time for you to declare your allegiance to me... formally," the Dark Lord told her, drawing out each word, increasing her fearful anticipation. "Do you agree, Viola?"

Viola peered behind her, briefly glancing to her father before turning back to the Dark Lord. She forced a gulp in her throat, swallowing any ounce of fear she had, forcing the voices of her conscience as far deep in her mind as possible.

"Yes, my Lord," she responded shortly.

"I, however, am unsure. You see, your father came to me requesting you receive the Dark Mark following young Draco's receiving of it. I question your desire to commit your obedience, Viola." Her breath hitched as he reached down, long fingers wrapping around her small wrist. "So tell me, how will you demonstrate your servitude to your Lord?"

She looked back to her father again, her eyes begging for some sort of assistance, but he was no help.

"I..." Viola began, her mind scrambling for something to tell him.

"She is close to Harry Potter, my Lord," Byron blurted abruptly. Viola's blood was about to boil at her father's words. But more than anything, she was curious how he found out.

Draco, she thought, It must be him.

She took a breath, trying desperately to find a way out, a way to protect her friends while saving herself and her family.

Viola considered lying, telling the Dark Lord she had ulterior motives to her friendship, but she feared what might happen if he looked into her mind.

No, she told herself, Be brave. You are strong enough. Protect your friends.

"Harry Potter... Is what your father says true, Viola?" the Dark Lord asked her accusingly.

"Yes, my Lord. My friends at school have been becoming increasingly closer to him... I've been attempting to convince them and his other friends that it is best for everyone if Harry turns himself over to you, my Lord," Viola told him, hoping to Merlin he believed her.

"And have you been successful? Could you help to bring the boy to me?"

"I think so, my Lord. After the events of last year, it has become clear that Harry is an increasing danger to everyone around him, everyone he cares about." She glanced back to her father once more. The corners of his mouth were turned upward ever so slightly in approval of his daughter. Viola turned back to the Dark Lord, determined to gain his trust. "I think I can convince him, my Lord."

A malicious smile grew on his face as his grip on her arm tightened.

"Very well then," he said, raising his wand. "Break him down, Viola. Convince him he shall lose every one he cares about if he continues to defy me. And then when the moment comes, he will know what he needs to do, and he will turn himself over to me once and for all."

The Dark Lord pressed his wand to her arm. "Do you, Viola Albrech, vow your unwavering servitude and obedience to me, your Lord?"

"Yes, my Lord," she stated before shutting her eyes, trying not to scream as the pain commenced.

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