⁕ the goblet of fire ⁕

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I woke up as dawn broke through the mountains. The sunlight cast orange and yellow shapes onto the wall. I had dreamt nothing last night. Or maybe I had, dreams have a tendency to leave when you try to remember them. I got ready for the day, looking forward to finding out what classes I had. 

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 I walked down to the Great Hall for breakfast with Arabella. We chatted about the Triwizard Tournament. When Dumbledore had made his announcement, he clarified that nobody under the age of 17 could put their name in the Goblet of Fire. The magical cup that would eventually choose the three champions. We noticed a crowd gathered around the opening of one of the smaller abandoned halls. There was a blue-ish light illuminating the ground. We walked over to the crowd of students and looked inside. In the center of the room was the Goblet of Fire. It was larger than I expected and hot blue fire floated over the cup. Standing near it was Fred and George who seemed to be trying to put their names in. I rolled my eyes and told Arabella, "I'm going to go try and discourage those goons from doing something incredibly stupid." She laughed as I walked towards them. 

"Are you guys really going to try to enter?" I asked them. 

"Absolutely-" Fred started, "not." finished George. 

There were other students putting their names in the Goblet of Fire. Every time a piece of paper entered it, the fire lit up even brighter. There was an older boy I recognized as Cedric Diggory. When he was finished entering his name, his Hufflepuff friends hyped him up in a great big hug.  I saw Ron try and wave at him; Cedric didn't notice him. I stifled my laugh. Standing next to Ron was Harry. We caught each other eyes and I smiled, raising my eyebrows. He waved back and then called out to someone. It was Hermione. They traveled over to the twins and me. At that moment the twins fished out something from their robes and held it in the air, yelling out. Some kids yelled out and clapped. 

I heard Hermione say, "It's not going to work." 

"What is it?" I asked. Ron came up from behind me and said, "Fred and George are gonna try and put their names in the goblet using some kid of fast aging potion they made." 

"They're gonna get in sooo much trouble," I said with a cringe.

"Yeah, but do you really think it'll work?" questioned Harry. 

"Probably not, " said Ron. 

"And why is that, Hermione?" Asked Fred. 

Hermione pointed to a circle that was drawn around the Goblet. 

"That is an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself."

"So?" Said, George. 

"So, a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by a pathetic aging potion." She said certainly. 

"Well, Hermione., Said George. 

"Just wait and see." finished Fred. 

The two popped open the corks to the potions they had and took a long drink. They jumped into the age circle and everyone clapped when nothing happened. Then they added their pieces of paper into the goblet of fire. Everyone was impressed until a burst of fire erupted from the cup and threw Fred and George back. 

"Woah." I said, grabbing the nearest arm. I looked to my right and saw my hand grasping Harry's forearm. We both stared at each other and I quickly let go. 

Looking back at Fred and George everyone saw that the aging potion had in fact worked. IT was so good that they now had white hair and beards. The crowd burst out with laughter. 

"I told you so." said Hermione. Who was sitting down on a bench with her book.  Fred and George had started to fight around on the ground and I went over with Harry and Ron to go laugh at them. It was funny until we saw Viktor Krum walk in. The room went silent and we all stared as he put his name in the goblet of fire. When he was done, Krum looked around. His eyes settled on Hermione. He smiled. When he finally left, I (did the Debby Ryan smile) smirked and put a piece of my hair behind my ear, looking at Hermione. She had color in her face and I went over to her. 

"Did I just see Viktor Krum, SMILE AT YOU!" I yelled the last part, causing Harry and Ron to come over and see the commotion. Apparently, Ron had seen that last bit too. 

"Get a load of him. Walking around like he owns the place." Ron said unhappily. 

"Hmm, so Ron doesn't seem so happy. Do I sense a love triangle?" I thought. 

"We should get going. We still need to eat breakfast and get our schedules." I suggested. We all made our way to the Great Hall. I had totally forgotten about Arabella and felt guilty. I saw her sitting alone at the Ravenclaw table and motioned at her to come to sit with us. Her face brightened as she smiled and she came to sit down with us. Ron and Harry were talking about the upcoming quidditch season and Hermione was reading her book. Ginny came and sat next to Ron. I made a conversation with her and Arabella. I asked the two girls what dresses they had bought for the special occasion this year. I wouldn't tell them about mine, I wanted it to be a secret. 

Professor McGonagall came around with everybody's schedules and I was excited to see that I had Defense Against the Dark Arts and Astronomy with the Gryffindor Fourth Years. 

But first I had Potions with the Slytherins. It was time to butt heads with my favorite pureblooded. Draco Malfoy. 

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