⁕ white winter ⁕

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It was common for Hogwarts to be covered in fluffy mounds of snow during the month of December, but this year was especially cold. Gusts of bone-chilling wind brought more snow than ever, and when the weekend finally came round, we were more than excited to go out to Hogsmeade. Finishing up a charms lesson with Professor McGonagall, I hurriedly shoved my books into my bag and found Ron. He was, as always, eating. 

"Ron, seriously, where do you get all of that? It's not even lunch yet." I asked, trying to grab a piece of whatever was in his hand. 

"Hey, get your own!" He whined, bringing his hand up into the air where I couldn't reach. 

I laughed and shot my eyes around the halls, looking for Harry or Hermione. Instead, I saw Makayla and waved at her. She came over and began to walk with us. 

"Hullo, guys." She said cheerily. 

"Someone's in a good mood, so tell me. What happened?" I said with a smirk. 

"Nothing-." She said blushing, looking away from me. I guess I had to accept the fact that my professor and student were definitely hooking up. Hogwarts felt like an American public school with magic, which meant it was the most chaotic place in the world. 

"All right," I said, throwing a hand up, "but I'm definitely going to assume it had something to do with Professor Sna-". Ron nearly choked on whatever he was eating and turned to Makayla. 

"Blimey! What do you mean, it has to do with Professor Snape?!" 

"Oh, yeahhh I didn't tell you that," I said, picking up my speed. 

"And we won't tell Ron." She said, giving him a grin before matching my speed. We looked forward to our upcoming afternoon and talked about meeting up with twins, they always had something up their sleeves. Walking to potions, with Makayla, I caught sight of Malfoy. He was leaning against one of the stone pillars and he watched me as I walked down the steps to the dungeons where the potions classroom was located. I paid him no attention and continued to take my seat. 

Today we would learn how to make the Wiggenweld Potion, a healing potion with the power to cure injuries and is the antidote to the Sleeping Draught and the Draught of Living Death. The student with the most perfect potion would be given no homework, and I was determined to have no school work this weekend. I bent over my cauldron, carefully reading over the instructions multiple times before beginning to add ingredients. I needed salamander blood, five lionfish spines, flobberworm mucus, boom berry juice, and... honey? That was much different from the rest of the ingredients but I grabbed it anyway. 

I started off by adding salamander blood until the potion turned from red to orange, and then to yellow. Stirring the potion, it changed into a green shade before becoming a pigmented turquoise when I added even more salamander blood. It seemed like an awful lot but I did it anyway. I looked around the room, checking to see if anybody else appeared to be head, but besides one other Slytherin student, it seemed as if I was in the lead. I grinned but calmed my enflated ego before I could accidentally mess up. I turned the head up on the cauldron and the liquid turned dark indigo. Adding even more salamander blood (Merlin, I feel bad for the salamanders), the Wiggenweld potions turned bright pink as it should have. 

How many colors does this turn into?  I thought to myself. Heating it up once more, it turned bright red. Then I went to my next ingredient, five lionfish spines. Then I accidentally brought my hand down onto two of the tiny spines, breaking them in half. I muttered a curse underneath my breath but added them to the potion anyway, hoping that it wouldn't affect it negatively. 

I gagged while adding the flobberworm mucus and watched as it turn back to orange. Then the honey was added, turning the liquid back to another shade of blue. Finally, it came down to the last ingredient, boom berry juice. I let the potion simmer and when class was nearly over Professor Snape came around, inspecting everybody's cauldrons. I anxiously awaited for him to tell me some snarky comment on how it was horrible, but he nodded and said, "Miss Y/L/N, has succeeded in perfectly making the Wiggenweld Potion, I suggest the rest of you try harder." 

I sighed a breath of relief, maybe my clumsiness had finally helped me out this time. 


I peppered kisses over Harry's lips as we sat together in the common room, waiting for Ron and Hermione to stop bickering over some insignificant little thing. He smiled at me and I heard Ron say, 

"Can you two stop snogging, we should get going." I shot him a glare and said, 

"Wasn't it you two just arguing over parchment paper?" 

"Well, if Ronald would just let me help him with the final two inches of his assignment, then maybe we could get going," Hermione said exasperated. 

"Well, maybe you should stop criticizing the rest of my work Hermione-"

"I'm only trying to help!" 

"Alright, forget the assignment can we just go?" I said annoyed. We could stay here all afternoon deciding who was in the wrong, but I tired of work and ready for some fun. We took our time as we walked to Hogsmeade, occasionally messing around in the snow. Hermione and I threw snowballs at the boys and acted innocent before sneakily throwing more. We quickly past the Shrieking Shack and strolled into the Three Broomsticks. Ordering butterbeer, we warmed our hands and noses after being attacked by the cold wind. 

Then the Yule Ball came up. Fred and George walked in, hands in their pockets and pulled two chairs over to our table. We all joked for a moment before Fred said to Ron, "Ron you better get a move on for the Yule Ball, all the good ones will have gone." 

"Ah shut up Fred." he said, looking around the room. There were other girls from Hogwarts and Beauxbatons mulling around the room but it seemed as if they all already had dates. Ron turned to Hermione and I slapped a hand over my mouth as Ron said, 

"Well Hermione, you're a girl..."

"Yes, what else have you noticed?"

"Well, if you go alone, it looks bad-"

"For your information, somebody already asked me."

"Really-?!" I piped up, more interested in the conversation now.

"And I said yes." She huffed at Ron. Harry snickered and I moved a bit closer to Hermione, whispering in her ear, "Why didn't you tell me?" 

She said back quietly, "He just asked me today." 

"Well who is it?" I asked silently. 

She came even closer and said, "Viktor Krum, but don't tell the boys, I don't want them having a hissy fit." I locked my pinkie finger with her and nodded.  Then I felt Harry put his arm around my waist and I turned back to him, smiling. 

"Anything you'd like to ask me, Harry?" I asked, already knowing what was coming. 

"Y/N, it's pretty obvious, but would you like to go to the Yule Ball with me?" He began.

"Of course. However could I say no to you." I said before leaning into him, I couldn't wait for Christmas Eve. 


I'm looking forward to start releasing some chapters for my next fanfiction called Oblivion next week. Keep a lookout for those! <3

Word Count: 1269

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