⁕ bite me? ⁕

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Draco Malfoy. How could I begin to describe Draco Malfoy? He was the most foul human on the face of this planet. I mean sometimes, yes, he was witty and funny. But 99.9% of the time he was a complete arse. I walked into potions class with the rest of my Ravenclaw classmates. The classroom was freezing, and I drew my robes closer around me to get even a tad bit warmer. I sat down in the second row and grabbed a piece of parchment and quill with ink from my bag. Professor Snape had yet to enter the classroom, and everyone was quietly chattering to themselves. 

Then I saw snowy white hair out of the corner of my eye. Draco and his goons had swaggered into the classroom, looking haughty and as foul as ever. I rolled my eyes but didn't make myself noticeable. I didn't want trouble on the first day of class. But as it turns out, I had horrible luck. 

"If it isn't y/n." barked Malfoy. I saw Pansy laughing and felt my blood boil. 

"Shut up, Malfoy." I said quietly. If there is another thing you should know about me is that I have a terrible temper. 

"sHuT uP, MaLfOy." Pansey mocked. I bowed my head, ignoring her words. Then Professor Snape walked in. The class went silent. 

"Welcome, class." He said in a voice that made me want to hide under a desk. Snape was not my favorite professor. Although, I did know a Slytherin who had some kind of crush on him.  "Ew" I thought. Snape didn't have anything against the Ravenclaws so we went through the class without any points deducted from us. I had heard about his constant point deduction to Gryffindor from Harry and Ron. 

Although he didn't have a grudge against the Ravenclaws, that didn't stop him from already assigning a 15 inch essay on the properties of different poisons we would be further discussing in class. The entire class moaned in annoyance but he turned and gave us all a glare that shut the lot of us up. When the period ended, Snape was the first to leave; his black robes sweeping around him. I was sure he gave a glance to one of the Slytherin girls named Makayla. "Oh GOD NO-" I almost said out loud. 

As I put away my parchment paper and ink, Malfoy came up from behind and grabbed my quill. He moved it between his index and middle finger, making it swirl around in the air. I sighed through my nose and went to reach it. 

"Oop, just a tad out of reach I see." He was taller than me. Like everybody else. That thought made me even more angry. I hated being so short. 

"Malfoy I swear on Merlins beard, If you don't give me back my quill I will bite you."

"Bite me?" He said, his eyes widening. "Well, I certainly wouldn't want that happening." He said. I looked in his eyes and saw that his pupils were dialated. Bloody hell was he-enjoying this. The thought was revolting and I had the urge to throw up right there and then.

"Okay, um this is getting weird." I said, pushing him away from me. When my hands touched his chest, he recoiled. His face getting red. 

"Don't you ever touch me again or my father will hear about this."

"My FaTheR wiLL hEaR aBoUt tHiS." I said in the same voice Pansy had used when she mocked me, "Come on Malfoy, you really need a better comeback. It's getting old." 

That threw him over the edge and he stood in front of me, our noses almost touching. He stared up and down my face. All I could hear was his breathing and I made a face. 

"Get the hell away Malfoy." 

"Filthy little mud-" was what I heard as my palm slapped his pale face. 

"Don't ever call me that again, or I'll leave a mark big enough for the whole school to see." I hissed under my breath. We were the only two in the classroom and it was silent enough for you to hear a pin drop.  Because of this altercation, I had less time to get to my next class. I stepped around him leaving the classroom. When I turned around, I saw him still in the classroom. His left hand touching the side of his face where I had slapped him. 


Sexual tension has entered the chat. That's all I'm going to say..... 👀

Thanks for all the love. :)

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