Chapter 2 - The Institution of Grand London

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The cold air lingered, allowing Felix to observe his every breath in the form of pale mist.

Shards of sunlight cut through the clouds, while flakes of snow cascaded from the heavens above, forming a gleaming blanket across the city.

This pale, fluffy substance was the most beautiful thing that the boy had seen in over five years.


Felix flinched, back colliding with the plastic chair. He stared down at his desk, examining the notebook before him; pages covered in scribbles, drawings and doodles that he had tried to keep hidden.

The rules of higher powers stated that all free creativity in Grandomina must be abolished. Art, acting, dance and music were considered a shameful past; a man could find himself thrown in jail for so much as touching an instrument.

Each day in the institution consisted of writing and memorising data.

A clenched fist hovered above Felix's head.

"Aw, shit."

After a painful silence, Felix, brushed his coal fringe from his eyes and studied the man before him.

Pale-faced with a cold glare. The host slicked back his dark, greasy hair and stared. Felix grimaced at the sight of his fingers, black nails and fingertips stained like pus. Rumour in the institution was that it was due to his chain smoking and not-so-subtle drug habit.

White eyes held eye contact for what felt like an eternity. Felix straightened himself up in his chair and opened his mouth to apologize, The Host snapped.

"Who... gave YOU the right to look out of that fackin' window?!" he snarled.

Felix stared. 

"DON'T look at me like that, kid. I'll 'av you."

A gust of air was blown back as Esther charged out of the classroom; door colliding with the wall, causing pieces of plaster to fall to the floor.

"Temper, temper!" A boy next to Felix remarked as the room fell silent.

Dorian and Felix had been friends for 7 years. He was a tall, thin boy with long brown and blonde hair. He wore black-rimmed glasses and grew shaggy hair on the tip of his chin.

Dorian was the same age as Felix, but appeared much older in looks and wisfom. The boys had grown up together, facing characters like The Host on countless occasions.

"He thinks that we fear him. I think that he has the attitude of a hormonal teenager." Dorian sniggered.

* * *

"Move, fukka!" A voice yelled; Felix found himself thrown backwards into a stairwell. 

Dorian emerged from the bathroom, running over and pulling Felix to his feet. "Fucking hell! I go for a piss and this happens... are you alright?"

"I'll be fine." Felix groaned, rubbing his head. "I'm nineteen and still being chucked around! Next time I'll join you in the pisser." he chuckled.

The Institution of Grand London had no principal, nor discipline. Instead, The Host was one of the 'managers', of the selective chain of educational establishments that remained in Grandomina. Their methods followed the infamous 'Seth's Sceptres' and their ways of arranging the establishments was what the unsupportive citizens of Grandomina considered 'utter nonsense'. Managers would have their religious followers enlisted to these schools.

The teenagers that didn't follow orders were permitted to attend school on occasion, these children rapidly became the punching bags of their society. Education in Grand London was scarce, so for these kids, running away had never been an option until now.

* * *

Hours passed, the sky brightened and the snow began to melt. Classes had finished and it was time for Dorian and Felix to search for Florence. She had been taken out of usual lessons for English examinations. Florence was a petite girl with pale skin and long, black hair.

The boys found Florence waiting for them at the top of a hill. They met, swiftly exchanging hugs - can't be seen by The Host - and began to walk together.

"Are you okay?" Florence asked, noticing the tension in the boys.

"Oh, the usual!" Dorian declared. "Felix had another meeting with the stairs and some creep was staring at my junk in the lad's bathroom."

"Oh and Esther being Esther." Felix piped up.

"The Host." Dorian corrected.

Felix, Dorian and Florence made their way down the cobbled path towards Willow Park, a loud rustle came from a shrub to their left.

Florence's eyes widened, "What the-"

A branch snapped and she jumped at the opportunity; diving into the bush and ripping it to pieces. Once the foliage was completely dishevelled, Dorian gasped pointed to a figure sprinting through the trees and into the distance.

"Wait!" Florence cried. "Was that...?"

Felix's face became serious as he uttered the word, "Heartatak."

Heartataks hadn't been spotted in Grandomina for years now. The trio had knowledge of them from books and diary entries written by the 'protectors'. Despite this, they had never encountered the beings... until now.

The trio had made a pact, if they ever crossed paths with one of these creatures, they would ignore all rules and regulations set in place and set out to explore.

Felix broke the silence that had become of shock and fear.
"Right, that's it then."

Florence's face lit up, "Do you think we might find-" her voice dropped to a whisper, "You know... them?".

Her face dropped when Dorian began to speak - "Impossible. They've been dead for years now. I'm sorry. Grandomina has never been the same since they left... No safety, no music, no real art..."

Florence's frown turned to a menacing grin.
"I think they're still alive. We'll find them, and maybe we'll do some killing."

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