Chapter 3 - Prepration

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The trio had agreed to meet outside Queen Augustine's Park. They then dispersed to their homes in order to change and gather the belongings that they would need for their adventure.

* * *

Felix dashed up the stairs and swung open the door to his bedchamber. It was nothing much - very messy - but 'twas the place he resided. He began rummaging through his drawers

He stepped into a clean pair of tight, black trousers before buttoning up a short-sleeved, black shirt. He then finished his outfit off with a skeleton-jaw motorcycle bandanna, a black denim cutoff and some finger-less gloves. He then headed downstairs, pulling on a pair of black clumpy boots and heading out.

Florence was already awaiting Felix in his garden. She wore tight, black and white pinstripe trousers, a black shirt, blazer and boots. Her face was powdered white and her hazel eyes were framed with a thick later of black eyeshadow. Her "Panda eyes" as she always called them.

The walk to the park felt like an eternity. As they approached the green fields, Dorian was awaiting their arrival. He waved and pulled a mocking face as they approached.

"Hey, you took long enough!" He jested before pulling Felix and Florence into a tight embrace.

Dorian was wearing a grey, button-up shirt with a black waistcoat; tight, black trousers, boots and a pair of black goggles around his neck.

* * *

It was time for the trio to begin an adventure that they had been waiting a lifetime for. An adventure free from bullies, Esther and the grasp of Syliban's stolen 'Seth's Sceptres'... or so they hoped.

They began their journey by walking the road to the station in the outskirts of Grand London. They walked with valiance and stories about how they were one day going to slay The Cardinal.

"I'm going to stab him in the face!" Florence declared, grinning from ear to ear.

"With what blade?" Dorian laughed, "I'm going to gauge his eyeballs out!"

"Fukka!" Florence jeered, poking her tongue out at the boy.

"...I'll let you guys do the killing." Felix laughed. 

This area of Grand London seemed much eerier than the mainlands. A thin layer of mist lingered around the top of the teenagers' heads. Fletcher could feel the hair on his arms standing up; the air was so cold, but in a more sinister way.

The trio had to walk through a small, infertile plain before they reached the outskirts of town. The residue of corn had turned a rotten brown colour. It was dry, making a crunching sound with every footstep. Florence loved it; she began jumping in the long grass, giggling to herself. Felix laughed and Dorian rolled his eyes. "Professional", he snorted.

The giggling stopped and Florence let out a shriek.

"Oi, what's wrong?" Felix asked. "You didn't hurt yourself did you?"

"Look..." The black-haired girl pointed at an indentation in the corn. Dorian plodded in front of the two and peered over.

"Bones?" He looked puzzled.

Dorian was correct; it was a small mound of what appeared to be human remains. Felix's stomach twisted and his blood fell cold. Death.

"They're too small to be sheep or cow bones... and much too big to be a dog, cat or bird. Definitely human." Dorian explained.

"This is odd." Florence mumbled, staring at the pile of grey objects. She glanced over at Felix,  noticing his issue. "Let's keep walking, I don't want to end up where they are!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2016 ⏰

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