Thank you for your company

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<<And that's how "The portrait of Dorian Gray" changed my life>> Cherryblod finished speaking, laughing softly: <<Of course, the real merit goes to Doloz, who made me read this amazing writer; could you see me reading such classics, at the time? Hahah>>.
<<Oh really?>> Idate said, quite absent-mindedly, as he was drinking his tea slowly. That hot liquid felt nice in his throat, which had been scraped by tobacco soon before.
<<Oh, sorry, I bored you, I'm gonna stop>> Cherryblod apologized, almost hiding behind his cup.
<<No, don't worry. Actually, I think I've read it, when I was young>>.
<<Oh, you used to read?>>. 
Idate giggled: <<What, don't I look intellectual enough?>>.
<<No, it's just... why did you quit?>>.
<<Just some personal stuff... I could start again, though>>.
<<Oh, I'd love to chat with you about writers and books. My wife would be happy, too, haha>>.
<<Now that you mention it, where is she?>>.
<<Downstairs. She's cooking some special meal since Lobco just came back home today, have I already mentioned it?>>.
<<Oh, no, you haven't! That's some good news! She came back with the little witch and the others, I guess>>. 
<<Maybe. Anyway, I'm glad she's still safe and sound>>. 
<<Sure, I can only imagine how you're feeling. Your wife must be really relieved, she's always so anxious... I bet she's contagious>>.
<<You bet, hahah. Since we're talking about family and such, dear Idate, where do you see yourself in the future? You can't stay celibe forever, not you!>> the lobster teased him.
<<Maybe, but I can be one as long as possible! Hahah, really, that's not on my mind right now>>.
<<How! It should. Anyway, I'm not trying to impose my opinions on you. Do as you wish, though I can tell you that a woman's unconditional love and a warm family are things one can't stay without>>.
<<Sure, it should be this way when you choose who to marry>>.
<<Oh... why, were your parents choosing your wife for you?>>.
<<Not really, I was still a brat, but it does work like this down there and they wanted to convince me to at least aim at it in life, they said that it would have been like that for me, too, since orcas have been doing it for millennia>>.
<<And what did the little brat do instead?>> Cherryblod was grinning.
<<I ran away as soon as possible. It was hell!>> he found himself laughing, too.
<<Haha, I bet!>> his friend said: <<Luckily, you feel welcomed here, don't you?>>.
<<Yeah, I do>> the orca smiled: <<I guess I couldn't be luckier>>.
<<Good. We want our neighbours to feel at ease>>.
Idate nodded, watching the bottom of the empty cup, mindlessly. 
<<Do you want anything else?>> the lobster asked.
He turned to face him out of a sudden, then replied gently: <<No, thank you. Actually, I'd better be going. Thank you for your company>>.
He was already standing up, when Cherryblod complained: <<Oh, isn't it too soon?>>.
<<I wouldn't say so. We've been here for almost three hours, hahah>>.
His friend beamed: <<Yeah, you're right, though dinner will be ready soon. Don't you want to stay with us?>>.
<<No, thank you, really>>.
<<Let me walk you to the door, at least>>.
<<Do you think I'm a lady in distress?>>. 
The lobster smiled again: <<Of course not. I just wanted to keep you company>>.
<<As you wish. Thank you>>.
Cherryblod led him towards the exit, without saying anything.
As soon as they were out, Idate lit up a cigarette.
<<Oh, I understand now. You were craving it, right?>> the lobster nudged him.
<<What? Hahah, maybe>> he turned towards him, with a smile.
<<Hahahah! Yes, finally!>> he sneered loudly, with a large smile.
His laughs were covered by the screams of his victims: one after the other, they were reduced to flesh lumps, made to be tear into pieces by his teeth. 
Blood was dripping from his mouth, from his fingers, his blue suit was wet because of it, devoured carcasses were around him, him, the orca named Idate.
After ingesting the last corpse' interiors, after he realized the absence of other immediately available victims, he seemed to come back to his senses.
Slowly, he turned.
Behind him, there were the faces of those he was used to call "friends".
He felt his knees and wrists starting to tremble. He clenched his fists, but it was useless, it was plain obvious by now that they were, indeed, twichting. His deafening chuckles, which he had let go, after so many years, had been definitely heard, too.
The others were staring at him: then, they looked away. 
He looked away, too.
<<Idate...>> it was the little's witch voice, more pitched than usual: <<Did... did you actually do all of this?>>.
<<No>> the orca said, instinctively: <<No, it wasn't me. I don't know anything about what happened!>>.
<<Idate, you're shaking... don't worry, in the end, they were Totsusa->>.
<<No, I'm not shaking! I'm totally fine! I don't know what you're talking about!>>.
<<Idate, we're not...>>.
<<I'm fine>> and he went away, his trembling toned down a little only when a cigarette's smoke intoxicated his lungs, as his silhouette was growing distant and distant.

The Nice Guy Nextdoor (Blue!Idate)Where stories live. Discover now