Chapter 2... |Elianna Pov|

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Once I walked into the cabin I tried to shake off the stares of the 6 other girls already in the cabin and gave the room a quick glance before making my way to a bunk in the corner of the room. I opted for the bottom as another girl was already on the top. 5 of the 6 girls in cabin 13 filed out quickly and at that point, I had figured that they were friends and I was left with the girl on the bunk above her. There was a quick knock before the door opened and revealed a perky blonde, "Hey girls don't forget, dinner in the mess hall in an hour then everyone's meeting at the campfire so don't forget a jacket" and with that, she was gone. "So" the girl on the top bunk spoke up, " I'm gonna take a wild guess your new here" I laughed a little, "yeah, I am what gave it away?" "Nothing too obvious other than the fact the other people in this cabin ditched without even talking to you," The blonde said as she closed the book I didn't know she was reading. "That would do it, I'm Elianna by the way" I spoke more confidently than I felt. "Oh I'm Lola, I'm also new here," Lola said. "I love your hair," I said, "Thanks" Lola replied" I wasn't sure how the teal highlights would turn out but, I really like them. She smiled. "We still have a little while before dinner, wanna walk down to the lake?" Lola asked, "Sure" I replied, and with that, we grabbed our sweatshirts and left.

|Rylan Pov|

I was assigned to cabin 15 which I wasn't mad about, there were 7 other boys in the cabin when I arrived. Everyone was making small talk as we unpacked but, eventually most of the boys left, two fell asleep and I was left with a boy on the bottom of my bunk who looked like he wanted to be anywhere else. I tucked my mini calendar back into my bag after marking two years one month and 22 days and the other boy spoke. "uh your pen fell," he said. "Oh thanks," I said as he picked it up and handed it to me. "So," I said trying to ease the awkward silence, "Is this your first summer here?" I asked. "Yeah it is," he said quietly, "Cool, my names Rylan it's my first summer here too," I said, "I'm Asher but you can call me Ash if you want," he said finally easing up a little. "Dinners in about half an hour, wanna check out the basketball court?" I asked somewhat desperate to leave the cabin. "Sure sounds fun" he replied. Then we walked out of the cabin and headed to the basketball court after we stared at the very confusing camp map for like 5 minutes, turns out Asher is dyslexic so that didn't help, but we eventually figured it out.

|Lola Pov|

When the time for dinner came Elianna and I made our way to the mess hall. On our walk I discovered she was older than me by a year, I just turned 15 and she turned 16 in April. She also had the prettiest auburn hair and green eyes and freckles that stood out around her nose but, that's beside the point. We entered the line for dinner and were actually close to the front, which I was glad for because I was starving. After about 4 minutes in line, we discovered the meal was pizza and wings, Elianna and I both agreed on one thing, Pineapple does not belong on pizza. After we got our food we sat at a table near the center of the room, since we were near the front of the line a lot of tables were open. As we ate our pizza and wings, two boys sat at the very end of the table. I also made the discovery Elianna did not like hot wings and had absolutely no tolerance for spice.

|Asher Pov|

After beating Rylan at a quick game of two on two we made our way to the mess hall. I was glad I had already made a friend it helped me feel less awkward and anxious. Rylan was a cool dude, even if he did like pineapple on pizza. We were towards the back of the line so by the time we got our food there weren't many options for seats we decided our best bet was at the opposite end of a table with only two other girls, the only table not packed full of people, I was thankful for that. I looked to the right to see my sister Aria sitting with a group of kids I recognized from her photo album of summer camp last year. I love my twin dearly, I do but, how on earth is it so easy for her to make friends and talk to strangers? I swear she's gonna walk up to a stranger one day and get kidnapped. She waved and smiled and I returned the gesture as Rylan and I sat down and began to eat.

|Elianna Pov|

It was about 7:45 pm when everyone finished eating, finally, we were dismissed by our head counselors to the campfire. There were lots of benches scattered around the fire pit, Lola and I sat at the end of an already crowded bench. When the last of the campers settled in Allison, the camps activity director spoke. "Okay everyone welcome to camp! This summer is going to be great! One of the things we have lined up for you guys is a series of games and competitions lasting the entire summer depending on how it goes, You'll get more details on that tomorrow. The staff members have already placed you into groups of four or five there is no switching or trading groups, the point of this is for you guys to make new friends and get out of your comfort zones so enjoy it you guys are only teens once" After that the head and co-counselors took turns reading off an excessively long list of names and of course I didn't listen until I heard my name being read off. "Group 6 will be, Elianna Jones, Rylan Arkson, Asher Hale, and Lola Barlowe" I was very relieved to be put in a group with Lola. As instructed our group was told to go stand somewhere, our group was assigned to meet near a tall oak tree not far from the fire pit. As Rylan and Asher approached Lola and I recognized them to be the boys that sat at the end of our table in the mess hall. We stood in a very awkward silence as we awaited our next instruction, at last Allison spoke again. "Okay you guys have about half an hour to talk introduce yourselves"

Lola was the first to speak, "Okay looks like were stuck together so might as well talk right. My names Lola I'm 15 years old and this is my first summer at this camp, what about you guys?" She smiled and stepped back accepting the low high five I offered. "Uh, I'm Asher, you guys can also call me Ash I am 16 and this is also my first year here and I play basketball and swim" Asher said. "See not so bad"Lola said jokingly, "two down two to go" she said gesturing towards Rylan and I. I decided to step up. " My names Elianna but you guys can call me Ellie if you want, I'm also 16 and it's also my first summer here and I like Singing and horseback riding" I said, I smiled and looked at Rylan signaling him that it was his turn. After a brief hesitation he stepped forward and spoke. " My names Rylan I'm 16 surprise surprise I'm also new here and oh yeah I like Pineapple on my pizza" He said with a smirk directed towards Asher at the last part. "Eww" the three of us said in unison.

| Lola pov |

"Finally" I said trying to lighten the mood, "That was starting to feel less like summer camp and more like Kindergarten" I said sitting down. Elianna sat down next to me and soon after the boys followed. "Agreed" Rylan said, "dude I don't even think Kindergarten was that bad" Asher chimed in. The next 20 minutes or so was split between talking about our interests, venting about school work and arguing about pineapple on pizza, because in the words of Rylan "Can't knock it till you try it." During our conversations I noticed everyone back off of certain things and leave details out of some parts of the topic, I had a lot to learn about my new friends and they had a lot to learn about me, but I had a really good feeling about this group. Soon we were dismissed back to our cabins for the night, Ellie and I said goodnight and goodbye to the boys and headed to our cabin. The real challenges of our summer began in the morning.

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