Chapter 1

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 Elianna was not the type of person to pick a fight, that's why she didn't when her father told her she was going to camp. According to him it was a "fun way to get back into life" After loosing her mother only two years ago, summer camp was not her idea of fun. As Elianna packed she looked sadly at her little brother. "Michael " she said, "you're gonna have to hold down the fort while I'm gone" Michael giggled in response, he wasn't the most down to earth 5 year old but, seeing him happy meant the world to Elianna. She would be leaving tomorrow,  but what scared her most was the fact that she was leaving her brother in the hands of her new stepmother and stepsister. They weren't awful; not like Cinderella awful anyways, but to her 2 years after the accident seemed  too soon to have a new family.    

  3 years ago, if you would have told Rylan Arkson that he would be going to camp he would have been thrilled, sadly that was not the case. Now the only thing about camp he was looking forward to was no parents. "2 years, 1 month, and 21 days" he said aloud as he stared longingly at a picture of him and another slightly older looking boy. " you know, I would totally be bringing you along to whatever crap camp mom has me going to" he said to the picture. "Rylan who are you talking to?" His mom yelled from down the hall, "uhh.. no one" he replied turning away from the picture. "Okay sweetie finish packing" "Okay mom I will"
The school year was finally over and Lola was so excited. Tomorrow June 10th she would be leaving for a summer camp called Camp Archer and was ready to leave the awful school year behind and have the best summer ever. "Lola are you sure everything is packed?" Her dad asked for what seemed like the millionth time. "Yes dad I'm sure, you can stop worrying now" he grumbled and walked into the kitchen and said something Lola couldn't hear to her mom. Lola wandered up the stairs and picked up the mystery book she had been reading and nestled into her reading nook, prepared to get lost in her book.

"BO YAA gotcha again Aria!" Asher yelled much louder than necessary as he dribbled the basketball away from the hoop.
"Only because your taller" Aria whined, "Same age doesn't mean same height sis," Ash said walking towards the house. "Whatever loser" She grumbled and followed her brother into the house. "Are you two sure you're packed for camp?" The twin's mother asked, "yes mom" they replied almost in unison  then both headed their separate ways to their bedrooms. Once alone Asher sprawled onto a beanbag chair and stared at the ceiling for about 5 minutes until he realized his nails were slowly making a tiny hole in the seam of the bean bag. "Ugh," he groaned aloud. All he wanted to look forward to camp and have a great summer, but the racing thoughts in his mind prevented him from feeling any sort of excitement; Instead, he felt like he was gonna throw up the chicken nuggets he ate for dinner.
*The next day*

Elianna was silent most of the 2-hour car ride from their home to camp, she talked a little with Michael that was all. Once at camp she quickly said goodbye to her stepmom, Jenny, and her step-sister, Emily. She took her time saying goodbye to her dad and brother, grabbed her bags then was off on her new adventure. She watched as more and more kids began to show up, she had no problem telling who was a camp veteran and who was new, herself included. After a while she finally made her way to the mess hall to receive her cabin assignment. 2 weeks prior she had taken a survey asking her about her hobbies and interests that were given to the camp so they had something to help place kids in what cabin. After forcing away the nerves she approached the table in the center of the room. "what's your name sweetheart?" A kind-looking woman with green eyes asked her, "Oh um, Elianna Jones" she said. "Jones Jones Jones, the woman muttered as she flipped through a packet of papers, "Ahhh" the woman spoke again,"Elianna you are in Cabin 13" "Thanks," Elianna said as she let out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding. She proceeded out of the building and after 10 minutes of aimless wandering finally made it to her cabin. She let out a heavy sigh as climbed the steps to the front door, "This is where the real adventure begins" she thought; and with that, she opened the door to cabin 13...

*A/N Hey guys thanks so much for reading! this is a story I started writing back in July and have finally remembered to work on. This is basically an intro chapter for some of the main characters so stay tuned for what happens next.... and we're gonna ignore my lack of proper punctuation ok? Okay, cool happy reading!!!!  :)

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