Studio time pt1

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"Are you ready to go" you yelled putting on your shoes

"Are you ready to go" you yelled putting on your shoes

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(Your outfit)

"Yah let's go" she said getting her bag and walking out the room to the front door as  you followed and grabbed you keys

"So what time is z coming Over" she asked as y'all both go into the car

"Damnit"you said getting your phone out your back pocket "I forgot to ask her I hope she's not busy" you said as you stated to text zendaya

Hey z If you not busy I wanna invite you to my studio to talk about the show by the way I thought it over and I wanna audition🤗
Sent 7:35

"How did you forget to ask her" your best friend asked and you drove out the drive way

"Idk I just did" you said as you felt you thigh vibrate from you phone

"Hey no texting and driving" she said as you stopped at a red light

"Well look at god" you said picking up your phone to see that zendaya responed to you

Hey Y/N and lucky I just finished my shoot early just send my the address and time and I'll be there  😉

Oh and also yayyyyy I'm so excited to work with you ☺️
You read with a smile as you hear your best friend yelling
Sent 7:40

"Yo gooo" she said snatching your phone alway "you got people going around us you girl we are not in Malibu anymore people shot for shit like this" she said seriously but you couldn't help but laugh

"Yo my bad chill" you said smiling and you stared to drive again

"What the fuck are you smiling at" she asked looking at your

"Nothing" you said trying to grab your phone back

"Ohh zendaya texted you back" she said reading her response " and ahhh she put a winky face emoji how cute" she said teasing you

"Give me it back so I can respond before she thinks I'm being rude" you said as she handed you your phone

Same I'm excited to work with you too🥳 and the address I'm 45789 mountain dr second floor and we're gonna be here from 8-3am so when ever just lmk when your on the way.
Sent 8:03

Alright I'll let you know when I'm on my way
Sent 8:09

"Alright she said she's coming" you said pulling into the studio parking lot

"Cool" your best friend said as you parked the car and y'all got out

Zendaya POV
-when she got the text from Y/N asking her to go to the studio she felt butterflies but she knew that you didn't like girls so she had to mask those feelings but she's been following your music since you first dropped your first song and she always thought you were pretty and smart and funny and she started to develop a crush but she never thought you guys would meet-

"Alright law I gotta get going I'm meeting a friend" zendaya said to her stylist as she hopped up from the makeup chair

"What friend you don't have any friends" he said jokingly as she hit him playfully

"I have friends and it's Y/N she said she would star in the series" she said grabbing your keys and walking towards

"Ouhhhhhh get it then girl" he said as you walked out the door

-she hopped into her car and put the address you gave her into the gps and she started driving 10 minutes into the drive you realize that you needed gas so you stopped at the gas station-

"Hi can I get 30 on 1" you said walking up the the cashier As he nodded and you walked out to be surrounded by paparazzi

"How about instead of snapping pictures one of y'all pump my gas for me" she said sarcastically but honestly being for real

"I got you" some photographers said grabbing the gs pump as she got her phone and texted you

Hey I'm getting gas do you want anything
Sent 8:30


Umm sure can you get me a blueberry Fanta and some watermelon strawberry straws pls
Sent 8:30

Oh and can you get Y/BFF/N some hot fries pls. I'll pay you back when you get her thanks ❤️‼️

Alr I got you and you don't have to pay me back

I texted as the man finished pumping my gas and he got a few pictures of me I went back inside to get everything Y/N said you wanted and coming back out and getting into her car

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