Studio session last part

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Your POV
"You just got your ass knocked tf out" your best friend said as she stood over you laughing

"Shut up and help me up" you siad as she did

"I never thought I would seee the day where you were getting pinned" your best friend said "I thought you were a top" she finished laughing

"Omg am I the first girl to top you" z said smiling sitting on the couch with her head in her hand

"Girl please that was just luck you could never top me" you said low key hoping she would try and do it again

"Your lucky I'm tired or I would do to you again" she said getting up and standing in front of you Crossing her arms

"Ouhhhh get her z" your best friend said instigating

"Shut up and I have work to do so I don't have time for your little games" you said sitting back at the computer

"So did y/n tell you she's doing the audition" your bestfriend ask smiling

"No she didn't" z said smiling and folding her arms

"Well I mean I was a little busy being attacked" you said not turning around "but yah I read over the script and I really liked it plus I really connect with they your character so being their love interest won't come that hard" you said turning around

"That great I'm excited and to be honest we were hoping that you say yes you you'll probably won't have to audition but I have a flight to catch" she said standing up from the couch

"Alr well let me walk you out" you said as she gave you best friend a hug and you opened the door for her

"I really excited for the show if you couldn't tell Ik not yeh best at showing my emotions so just invade I wanted to make it known" you said laughing

"No it's fine I just figured you were a little nervous about it" she said opening her front door "look i know you haven't acted in a while and I know you really care about what people think but you gotta start living for you and enjoying life" she said making you smile and also wonder how she knew you were struggling with that

"Yah I'm trying to figure out how to exactly do that actually have you been talking to Y/BFF/N about me" you said smiling

"No" she said laughing "I watch the breakfast club interview remember you were talking about your mental health and stuff on there and I just thought you would need to hear that" she said

"Well you not wrong" you said as you guys kinda sat in silence and she leaned on the car with the door open

"Well I should get going Lancôme waits for no one" she said laughing as you went in for a hug god she smelt good you thought I wish I could stay in her arms forever you said as you realize it's been a minute and you release and you guys say your goodbyes

"Oh thanks" you said right before she closes her door

"For what" she says confused

"Well one for not beating my ass in front of my friend" you said chuckling "and for the advice your the first person to ask me about what I said on the interview" you said foundling your fingers

"Your welcome and anytime" she said smiling as she drove off  and you walk back into the studio

"Hey I'm about to send this back to zayn and ima be ready to go I'm tired and I have lines to remember " you said smiling

"Soo why were you outside for so long did you guys kiss" she said

"Girl no we were just talking and she gave me some advice that I really needed" you said focusing on the computer

"Oh so when did you guys hug" you best friend said as she sat down and started to read a magazine

"How do you" you said turning around "were you watching us you psycho" you said throwing a pillow at her

"Girl please I didn't have to you smell like her" she said

"Ohhhhh that's that Lancôme it smells good too" you said sniffing your hoodie

"It does but ima tell you know if you don't hop on it I will" she said as she continued to go through the magazine

"Shut up your not even gay" you said

"And from what you've been telling me neither are you" she said

"Did you see her" you said point at the door "She could literally turn a nun gay hell she could turn Mary gay" you said as you shut off the computer e

"And apparently you too"she said snatching your keys and running out the door to your car

"Jesus Christ help Me" you said following

Ik this is a short chapter but I just wanted to give you guys something new

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 ⏰

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