See who's back!!

30 1 0

A/N: Heyy guys!!! Last chapter ended a little bit improper but this pne is better.


"Jade wake up is time to go to the mall"- My crazy Aunt yelled at 5:30am.

"I'm awake don't worry give me 30"

"Counting now"

I ran to the shower. My Aunt Anne always loved shopping. I'm not such a lover of shopping but I like it. I grabbed my short flower dress, higheels and my bag with my phone,ipod and money. I did a quick but perfect ponytail and left down.

"About time!! Let's go we're going to be late"

"But Annie is 5:55am"

"Buts are for shaking and popping"

"Aunt Anne!!!"

"Ok now let's go you'll eat there"

You might be asking: 'What happend with the phone call?' I'll tell you.


"Neither could I"


"I always remembered it.... Your sweet voice in my ear... Well don't tell grandpa. I've been talking with my Mom and we have big problems on our hands"

"Jade talk!!"

"I can be a wolf but not a dog!!!"

"Can you Please tell me what are you talking about?"

"Vampire!! His name is Ben Arnes son of Julian B.... Arnes"

"You were going to tell a bad word"

"But I didin't... Now have to go .... Tomorow Aunt Anne wants to go to the mall so that means waking up early.. Bye Cam.. Miss you, grandpa and granny"

"Bye Mrs. Jay... Miss you too and take care of yourself and your family.... You'll see that soon we'll meet again I totally want to know this new You!!!"

*End Of Flashback*

On the car I thought bout Cam. He's hot voice made me giggle.

*Telephatic talk*

"Jade hold your horses!!! I know you love me too"

"Cam what are you doing on my head?"

"Talking duh"

"Hahahhaha but seriously what happend?"

"Jade your uncle was... Em..... Killed"


"Calm down we killed the vampire but your grandpa is old and"

"Now I'm the next in line"

"We'll arrive at your house on Monday at 5:00pm"

"Ok I'll be ready"

*End of telephatic talk*

I didin't knew how to tell Aunt Anne about this. She loved my Mom and Uncle Nicholas.

"Erm... Aunt Anne?"

"What's wrong Jade?"

"Uncle Nicholas"

"What with my brother?"

"Erm... He.. Was... Erm"

"Spill it"

"He was..... Killed"

"Who told you?"


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