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Soobin POV:

Today I am going to see Kai and his friends. I had been talking to him all last night and he seemed like a nice hyung. (Remember I changed their ages for dis U-U) I even learned his name which was Huening Kai. But he liked being called Kai. I havn't told him my name yet. All he knows is bin (from my username) but theres loads of names with bin, so he just calles me Prince which to be honest, I could get used to.

I honestly didnt care what I wore because Kai had already seen what I look like from our video call. So I wore something simple. A white denim Jacket, a striped shirt and white jeans.

I was ready so I put on a mask and went to the park in which was by the supermarket from before

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I was ready so I put on a mask and went to the park in which was by the supermarket from before. I saw the neon lights and my mood was suddenly lifted. I skipped over to the entrance and saw Kai collecting his things.
"Kai-hyung!!" I shouted
"Prince you couldve waited at the park!!"
I shook my head. "I wanna walk there with you!"
I made grabby arms and he just sighed and hugged me.

"Are your friends as nice as you?"
"Most of the time"
I shrugged "okay-"

There were three boys in the park. They seemed to be making the swing spin so fast that is was rotating all around the pole. Are they trying to break it? I got tired of thinking and just asked.

"Are they stupid? They seem stupid." I let go of Kai as I was still clinging to his hip. "I have come to the conclusion that they are stupid!" I smiled showing my dimples and ran to the gate. I waved my hand at Kai to try and get him to hurry up. I think he got what I was getting at as he ran to me and opened the gate.

I yawned and took out a monster energy drink from my pocket. Then Kai looked at me.
"I thought you were innocent? Kids arnt supposed to drink that shit."
I gasped "I am innocent. Just need a boost or energy is all"
I felt a vibration in my pocket and my smile suddenly faded. My family hadnt seen me in three days..oh well. I ignored the call and fake smiled to the others.

I ran to Kais side and bowed. "You must be Kai-hyungs friends! Nice to meet you!"
"Whats your name?" They asked
I just made a shocked pikachu face
"You can just call me Bin!"
"Can I still call you prince?" Kai asked. I nodded.

"Who was calling you?" a blue haired boy asked
"No one." I answered. Alright Soobin. Keep it short and simple, good boy.

"Introduce yourselves peasents!" Kai shouted.
"Sorry! I am Taehyun!" Said a boy who had his chin high. Must be a very obnoxious proud for his own good.
The next guy went. He was the guy who was at the shop with Kai!
"Im Yeonjun, youre that guy from the shop the other night. Correct?" I just nodded shyly.

Then the next one went. He was definatly a confident one.
"Beomgyu at your service oh cute one"
I blushed a light pink and pulled my mask up to cover my cheeks.
I bowed at them all and heard a faint: "Binnie!!!"

It sounded like Momo. I suddenly looked down and whispered
"Kai..lets go somewhere else..I dont wanna hang out at the park anymore."
Kai immediately nodded. He didnt understand why but it didnt look like he cared.
"Wanna hang out in the break room?" He asked the others.
They sprinted to the shop and I followed close behind. I like relaxing and laying in bed but I dont wanna get caught by Momo.

After we were all in I could hear her screaming: 'Binnie' extremely loud.
I covered my ears and at this point the others realised someone was shouting me.
"Bin who is that?? Are they dangerous?!" Taehyun asked.
I lifted my head up and shook it agressivly
"Its my Noona...I cant bare to face her at the minute..."
I stood up and went to the fridge knowing Kai left a bottle of water in there. I looked at Kai for permission and he nodded. I took a swig of it before Beomgyu took it from me and had a swig aswell.

I shrugged it off and looked at all the boys. Whose lap looked the most comfortable...?
From what Ive seen so far, Taehyun and Kai are the protective type while Beomgyu and Yeonjun seemed to be the more clingy type. However, out of Yeonjun and Beomgyu, Yeonjun seemed more soft and cuddly.

"Junnie??" I asked
Yeonjuns face lit up while everyone elses sunk
Kai was the first to speak up "Why is he the first to get a nickname?! I knew you first!!"
I pouted "Kai is a nickname enough"

I turned my attention back to Jun.
I spoke in a whispered tone so only he could hear "Can I sit on your lap Im cold??" He nodded agressivly and patted his lap.
I sat in it and cuddled into his chest...I could get used to this..hes so warm and soft and AAA hes so perfect.

I fell asleep in his arms as he cradled me to sleep. He rubbed circles in my back and kissed the top of my head. I felt so fuzzy.

Yeonjun POV:


Beomgyu POV:

Why couldnt Bin have sat an my lap? I mean Im just as comfortable AND I am right next to Yeonjun. I mean it is nice getting to stare at his cute pouty sleeping face but I wanna feel his body against mine. I wanna feel him fall asleep in my arms as his body goes limp and then I could fall asleep aswell WAIT DID YEONJUN JUST FALL ASLEEP?! THIS BITCH!!!

Sorry that the last part is in italics. My phone started to act up. I swear I am on the edge if throwing it into the Pacific ocean. Ok hope you enjoyed. ~Byeee!!! I purple you 💜

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