Loop Virus. ( Analogical. )

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( For context so no-one is confused, this is the basic plot: Robot Logan, like an actual robot. It's a human au and Virgil made him from scratch, so he's kind of glitchy and buggy. One day he's like- filled with viruses and shit because his system isn't very protected so he's kind of loopy and tired, so Virgil has to take care of him while his system is working to reboot the viruses. The virus ends up triggering a yet to be coded emotion switch that makes Logan understand he has feelings for Virgil. Hurt/Comfort.  )

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Logan's POV.
Logan had woken up...feeling odd. He wasn't sure why, he shouldn't have been- he hadn't detected any abnormalities in his system, as far as he was aware. He sat up in his bed, looking around as he noticed little spots of black in his vision. That wasn't supposed to happen, was it? He wasn't sure, he may have to consult Virgil about this. Virgil was his creator, the reason he was alive, the reason he was here. And he trusted Virgil greatly, there was no plausible reason to not trust him, anyways. Besides, even if there had, Logan wouldn't feel hurt. He couldn't feel emotions at all, that had yet to be coded into his system. He pondered for hours on end sometimes on what feeling emotions would..well..feel- like. Logan snapped out of his daze, confused. He had never zoned out like that before. He was task-ridden, given orders and that's what he focused on. What was he doing? He shook his head, standing up from his bed and suddenly stumbling forward, leaning on the wall to regain balance as he groaned. His head..hurt. Logan was confused, he didn't understand what was happening. He sat down on the floor again, holding his head in his hands. Logan curled into a ball, his head pounding. He tried not to focus on the seemingly bright light, breathing shakily. With a trembling hand, he lifted up his wrist and unlocked a latch, which was an emergency button that he could press if his system was in high levels of distress. He slammed the button with all his might, before burying his face into the ground, feeling overwhelming..emotion, he presumed, flowing through him. Nothing made sense anymore and he hated that it didn't. Logan waited patiently for Virgil to come, hot tears streaming down his face.
Virgil's POV.
Virgil had been tinkering around with some items, while coding different things. He had been invested in his new project- well..no, Logan wasn't actually a project. He was more of a friend than anything and- possibly..even more. Virgil sighed, shaking his head. No. Logan was a robot, not- he wasn't human, there could be no possible way he could fall in love with someone who hadn't been human. Right? And besides, even if there had been, even if he was actually in love with Logan, which, again, as he reminded himself many times, was a robot- Logan couldn't feel emotion anyways. He had been a task-ridden model, someone who obeyed by orders rather than emotions. And Virgil was sure that even if Logan could feel, he wouldn't feel love. Love was..a hard concept. Even an AI wouldn't be able to grasp it, much less as a human could. Virgil snapped himself out of his daze as he realized he had stopped typing, his hand hovering over the keyboard. Just as he was about to type again, though, a red screen flashed in his face, the light reflecting from the computer screen making him strain his eyes from the sudden brightness, as his room was always relatively dark. Virgil took a closer look, and then his eyes widened. Logan had pressed the emergency button. 'Fuck..'  Virgil thought, quickly getting up from his chair and swinging his bedroom door open. He quickly ran to Logan's bedroom, slamming the door open. His breath hitched as he saw Logan on the ground, obviously in distress. Panic rose in him as he rushed over.
No-one's POV.
Virgil crouched down next to Logan in a panic, touching his arm carefully. "Logan? Hey, buddy, you doing okay there? What's wrong?" He asked gently, his voice laced with concern. Logan tensed under the touch and Virgil lightly pulled his hand away. He laid on his side to meet eye to eye with Logan. "Hey. Lo, look at me for a second. It's okay.." Virgil tried to reassure. Logan, tears of oil streaming down his face, looked to Virgil. His hair was disheveled, he looked distressed. Virgil winced at the state of him, helping him sit up. He gently wiped Logan's tears as he trembled under the touch. Logan sat up cautiously, leaning against the wall as he kept his eyes on the ground, trying to calm down from the sudden panic. Virgil gently placed a hand on the back of Logan's head, combing his fingers through his synthetic hair. He looked at Logan expectantly, and Logan nodded in understanding. He began to take off his shirt to reveal a chest plate, which is where all his wires and coding was held. Virgil carefully opened the chest-plate, glancing his eyes over the switches and codes that only he could really understand. Logan leaned back, sighing deeply as he stared at the ceiling now instead of the floor. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2020 ⏰

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