12 || Captured

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Osa has never heard that sound before. It's loud and annoying, and it made Donnie and his family freak out. The second they panicked, she was beginning to panic, too.

"Perimeter infringe breach! We have incoming!" He sat in his office chair, looking at all screens and cameras that caught Foot soldiers in the tunnels. Breaches are already detected. "Oh, no! oh, no! We got two breaches. Fan room, weapons wall!"

"Mikey, flank right. Donnie, on me. We gotta go! Go, go!" Leo demanded, leaving the computers with Donnie following after his brother.

"Donnie?" Osa says worriedly, still standing where she was before. 

He immediately came up to her and set his hands on her shoulders. "Listen carefully. You can't get caught, okay? I need you to run."

"Why?" She whimpered.

"Bad men." Donnie said solidly.

That made Osa worry more in her shoes. She still wore the same Foot Soldier uniform that she hasn't gotten out of. "Bad men." She repeated shakily, remembering how they treated her in the lab before she met the Brothers. Osa followed Donnie to what they thought was safety, but it was too late. 

Leo, Donnie, and Osa were heading for the weapons wall where Splinter shouted a very clear warning. "No! Get back!"

The ten-second bomb that was set by soldiers has blown the whole cement wall into dozens of pieces, throwing the two brothers and Osa back. So much rubble covered the floor and hit whoever was in the way, bruising their arms, chest, and legs.

Mikey stumbled over furniture and Raph is struggling to get up from the mess of cement. The concrete dusted everything up in the lair, making it difficult to breathe or see in. Anyone who was affected by the blast coughed and struggled to gain their balance again.

Osa coughed, crawling from the debris, and gazes up for only a second to see the lights appear in the smoke and dust. She recognizes a smell that has a dangerous side to it, it's a bitter scent. She called out the warning because she personally knows who they are. "Bad men!"

"O, get away!" Don shouted at her once he saw the tranq darts through his goggles. "Leo, they got tranq darts!"

"Don't let them hit your skin!" Leo replied as a light shines on his face. "Where's Sensei?!"

"Training floor!" Mikey called.

Osa whimpered, unsure what to do the second her bodyguard hit the ground. She froze where she was, watching the Foot Clan swarm the lair, destroying whatever they saw in their path. She heard so many voices of bad men and the brothers trying to communicate through the smokescreen. As she ran to Donnie's desk to hide, she heard him speaking to his brothers. "We got a breach in the fan room!" He smacked a Foot soldier with his staff. 

"Raph, get to the fan room!" Leo howled to the hothead rother fighting next to him.

"Why are you always telling me what to do?!" Raph tried striking a punch, but Leo ducks his brother's attempt. Raphael's fist hit a soldier behind Leo, saving him from another attack.

"Just go!" That is the last thing he told the red-masked turtle. Leo quickly called out to-- "Mikey, you gotta get Osa and April out of here, now!"

Osa hid under Donnie's desk, holding the rubber chicken, and hoped nothing would come near her. She covered her ears, shut her eyes, and remembered the nightmares she had. She wanted to think of happy things, anything that will beat the negatives of the Foot.

From where she was, she could hear Splinter fighting someone in the dojo, but she was too afraid to come out and see who it was. Raph is doing what he can to escape tranq darts, and Mikey is going solo with some Foot Soldiers. And then, she hears the sound of Leonardo screaming for help. "DONNIE!"

𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚎𝚜 𝙸 ♡ (ᵗᵐⁿᵗ '14) 𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟷 ❪✓❫Where stories live. Discover now