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She pushed me and ran. "HEY!" I ran after her. Why does she run so fast? God damn.

She ran into the living room and we started to do that weird thing where you chase someone around a table. But finally I tackled her onto the couch. I pinned her arms above her head so she can't scratch me, Something i learned a week ago.

"June we gotta kiss!" I said. She blushed.

Just than Dirk came in."Hey guys do you want-" He paused, laughed and left.

Dirk came in with Quint to see what was going on, and he saw us arguing about the dare, Just then, Quint started laughing hard and Dirk takes a pic, we look at them "WHAT?" we shouted. "LOOK!" Quint shouted back. They showed us the picture.

It was me pinning her arms above her, my full body on the couch ,hovering over her. In the picture we looked like we were just having a conversation.

June managed to get her arm free and punches me in the nose.

"You better put some ice on that, Friend." Quint said.

She was frantically trying to get her other arm free.

"Damn it June! Just do the dare!" Dirk yelled across the room.



"Can you let go of me? Please!" She asked.

"Mmm not really." I said pinning her other arm.

"FINE!" she yelled her face red. She leant in and kissed me. FOR ONLY 4 SECONDS.

"Do it again but longer, friends!" Quint snickered.

"NO!" June yelled.

"I-I - what-" Why do we have to do it again? It was only a second off!


"BUT WHY THO-" I yelled back.



Suddenly my arms felt like jelly. FUCK. I fell straight onto June. I moved so that our heads won't crash but the rest of our bodies...YIKES-


Dirk and Quint started rolling on the ground, laughing so hard they were wheezing, while June and I were in pain. I rolled off June and hit the floor. Truth or dare? More like pain and more pain.

while I was clutching my forehead, June took a deep breath, "seriously?!" She growled, "Maybe if you'd done the dare, this would of never happened!" I growled back, "well maybe, don't pin me to the couch you fucking idiot!" June shouted.

I stood up and glared at June. "You want ice?" I asked. June sighed, "Yeah" I sighed, "Alright"

I pushed passed Quint and Dirk and got the ice. I chucked it at June and she smacked me with it.

"Fuckin' ass" She grumbled. I scoffed.  

"Why didn't ya let go of me sooner! This could have been avoidable!" She yelled.

"how can you blame ME!" I nearly yelled.1

June rolled her eyes, "oh come on!" She said. "If anything, this is your fault!". I gasped,"me?!" I exclaim, "Uh, from what I remember, YOU punched ME in the nose!".

 "well maybe I did that because I was too scared to kiss yo-!" June quickly covered her mouth and the room went silent. Dirk and Quint stopped laughing and I dropped my ice.

 "You, you were S-scared?" I asked in bewilderment, "I-uh-you-oh shit" June stuttered. The she ran off "I-im going to my room!" She shouted."June wait!" I ran after her. I can't believe it. June was scared. Just as she ran in to her room I grabbed her waist and lifted her off the ground.

"LET GO OF ME DAMMIT!" She squirmed around "and stop grabbing me or I'LL CHOP YOUR DICK OFF!" She threatened. Jokes on her she doesn't have her spear! And also RUDE.

I just realised-

HOW COME DIRK IS SCARED OF HER He Could just idk shove her-

Uh anyway now I just gotta talk to her.

"Hey so about earlier-"

She blushed. "Yeah yeah ,haha,NOW PUT ME DOWN" she yelled.

"Not till you tell me!"

"Tell You what?" she pretended to not know. ONLY I CAN DO THAT!

June started to hit me but I ignored it and I pinned her to the wall. "Jack! Stop it!" She shouted. "Not until you tell me!" I shouted back. 

 "NO!!" She shouted. Then I did the most logical thing that came to mind. I leant in and kissed her.

I kissed her. I kissed June Del Toro. June was obviously shocked by this but after 2 seconds she felt comfortable and closed her eyes. We stayed like that for a while until I remembered I had lungs.

I pulled away, breathing in and out. And she was doing the same. "What's wrong?" I ask, my voice getting quiet and soft. "I-im sorry, Jack" June muttered. "I'm an idi-" I hugged her, and she hugged me back and I rub her back.

"It's OK June" I whisper. "You wanna talk about it in your room?". June slowly nods. "Ok then." I grab her hand and she took it, then we made our way to her room. I opened the door, and June walked in.

"You can tell me June, I'll listen." 

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