video game bet

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We went to the living room and Quint grabbed a game from a shelf full of games and presented it to us. Mario Kart. Our favorite.

Quint put the game in and turned on the TV. It lit up and and showed the menu. I sat down on the couch and grabbed a controller and passed it to June. "Here you go, malady" I said in the best British voice I could muster. June giggled which gave me that warm feeling again.

"Thank you sir Jack" June said in a fake British accent, and we laughed. "Hey lovebirds!" Dirk called from the kitchen, "want some soda?!" He asked. Mine and June's face went red and we snapped our heads back, "what?!" We shouted in embarrassment.

"You heard me!" Dirk yelled again. June and I looked at each other and our faces got more red "get me a soda you idiot..." June muttered as she slumped down on the couch, setting up her controller. "Same.." I mumbled, "Me too,friend!" Quint said.

Dang it, now I have to add "kill Dirk" on my list. Right after feed rover and kill Quint. So many things.

We played some rounds and June kicked our asses. I enjoy when she wins. Truth is I slowed down to raise her chances. I looked as she did her dance.

"You guys need to step up your game!"She sat back down. By now it was 12:40.



I glanced over to June who was blushing a light pink, but still eagerly nodded. Quint was also a light pink. 

"Sounds fun" June smiled.

"Sure." Quint agreed.

I didn't say anything. They will all wipe me across the floor.

"What bout you Jack, Unless your too chicken." Dirk taunted. 

"Uh ...MY FINGERS HURT." I held up my hand. LAME EXCUSE.

"or your just a chicken." June joked.

"I'm not a chicken." I picked up my controller. "In fact I will beat you all!" they beat me. WHAT HAVE I DONE! 

"So JACK." Dirk turned to me."You know who to kiss." he said referring to June. Well Shit.

I got up my face red. I walked over to June bent down, AND RAN.

"HEY!" Quint yelled getting up."GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" 

"Yeah!" Dirk said and they chased after me.

I ran as fast as I can from Quint and Dirk. June sat on the couch with a confused expression. She took a sip of her soda. WAS SHE ENJOYING THE SHOW? I mean I would enjoy looking at me- BUT STILL. 

After what felt like forever I tripped and fell. NOOOOO! I sighed.

"Now now,Jack. Don't be a pussy." Quint and Dirk dragged me to her. She was still very confused. Then she had a look of realization. She probably remembered the bet. She blushed a dark pink. Well at least shes not a tomato like me.... 

I slapped Dirk and Quint on the arms, since they both couldn't stop giggling, I took a deep breath and walked over to June. "J-June" I mumbled. "Uh, stand up", June Sat up and now she was very red, but my blush got deeper, when I grabbed her cheek and kissed the other one. 

 It was very quick, because June pushed me back, her face was as red as mine, "ok that's E-enough!" June shouted, then she grabbed the hood of her hoodie and buried her face in it, I covered my face with my hands and Dirk and Quint were rolling on the ground laughing. "Shut up!" We shouted.


"AND THEY WAY JUNE WAS LIKE 'ok t-thats enough'" Dirk intimidated Junes voice. June got up and left the room while Quint and Dirk laughed. 

She came back a couple of minutes later with her spear. HOLY SHIT!

"That's It!" She yelled and stuck her spear in the wall. Dirk and Quint are gonna be more dead than those zombies if they don't shut up. "In a sec i'm gonna be the one laughing as I-" 

I quickly covered her mouth. 

After I calmed June down and Dirk and Quint stopped laughing, we got ourselves another drink. the whole time we were drinking, June and I wouldn't look at each other because we were so embarrassed. 

 Meanwhile, Quint and Dirk were teasing us immensely, they were singing "Jack and June, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G." Usually we would hit them, but they did it so much we just got used to it.

 After the drinking went to my room. "Ok" I said. "what do you guys want to do?". The three thought about it until a light bulb went up in Dirks head, "oh! Oh!" He shouted, "let's play truth or dare!" "Yeah!" Quint loudly exclaimed. 

June and I look at each other nervously. "Uh" I said. "Oh come on!" Dirk said, "you guys scared, we're gonna dare you to kiss or something?" He asked. June and I sputter "w-what?!" We exclaim "pff no, of course not!" But we're actually lying, "mhm" Dirk said, not believing us for a second.

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