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Hello! My name is Raven, kind of ironic since I'm half bird. I come from a city called Omicron, but... it's not of this planet. I came to Earth as a youngling, my parents sent me away when the war broke out, I don't even know if my planet still survives. When I came here I found a family that invited me in with open arms and they are amazing, even if I pushed them away at first. My earth sister; Kim, we have a special connection and we always support each other; she doesn't agree with what I do, she always frets that I'm going to hurt myself, or worse. I'm what humans consider a superhero, I now live in Los Angeles and due to my nature I can never live a normal life. Let's back it up again. I'm an Omicronian, we're a species of alien that are born with an elemental power. Earth, Wind, Water, or Fire. I am Fire. On earth I am known as Phoenix, I help keep this city safe from crime and whatever may arise that the military cannot handle by themselves. I have never worked in a team and always rely on my own wits and will; that is until I'm not the only alien on earth anymore...

This story is based off of the Transformers movies by Micheal Bay. Of course as most of you know I do not own the Transformers franchise.

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