Mystery Man

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(I'm jumping forward a bit it's been 3 weeks since the end of the last part.)

Raven sits in the medical room, Leo helps Ratchet take the cast off of Ravens wing since his hands are smaller he doesn't risk accidentally hurting her again.

"There you go." Ratchet announces once the cast is off. "Now don't go doing crazy things yet, alright? You've got to slowly work your way up to it. Try stretching your wings first."

Raven does just as Ratchet tells her to. She spreads her wings and she does feel a small pinch, and some soreness. That's probably a result of being in the cast for so long. "So does that mean I can't go flying yet?" Raven asks hoping the answer would be no.

"I don't want you flying for at least a few days. Alright."

Raven grumbles at his answer as she hops off the table and makes her way to the other Autobots. "Hey Bumblebee! Wanna do something?"

The yellow Autobot turns to face her but before he can say anything Optimus steps in. "Bumblebee is going on a mission with Ironhide, Arcee and myself."

"Oh... can I come?"

Optimus ponders for a few moments. "You can't fly yet."

"Yea so, how dangerous is this mission going to be. What are you doing anyway?" Raven asks.

"There is only so much energon on this planet. We may have found another stash a little ways away from here." Arcee informs Raven.

"Yes, Raven you can come." Optimus finally decides.

"Yes! It really has been boring around here without anything to do." Raven pumps her fists into the air. "Not like I'm asking for another fight or anything."

Nobody says anything, instead they make their way over to the entrance and transform into their respective vehicles. Raven climbs up into Optimus' cab with some difficulty, the truck is lifted higher off the ground than Bumblebee and without the help of her wings she struggles to get into the seat. The four bots head out towards the location being sent off with a few of the others waving goodbye from the base. Not even 10 minutes into the drive Raven brings her eyes up into Optimus's mirror after straightening out her feathers on her wing, she notices Bee swerving all over the road behind Optimus, he slows down and speeds up again to come only a couple inches away from his leaders back bumper, then he swerves from left to right on the road and repeats. Arcee gets fed up with him when he almost hits her front motorbike tire, if possible the Camaro flinches when the bike yells at him.

"Primus, you're like a kid on Christmas morning." Arcee scolds.

Even with the motorbikes angry outburst a few moments later and Bumblebee is back to being Bumblebee.

"How do you stay so calm and collected all the time. Don't you ever just feel like yelling at your teammates." Raven asks, knowing that if she was driving she would have gotten angry at Bee for tailgating a semi truck; most humans would call that suicide.

"He's just excited to be out and driving, I can't blame him for that."

"Yea good point."

Again, Raven hears Bee's engine rev as he gets closer to Primes bumper, then she sees the car swerve to the side as he comes up beside Prime. The Camaro speeds up so he gets in front of Optimus ever so slightly, then hits the brakes and comes back beside him, he repeats this a couple of times.

"Hey, I think he wants to race you." Raven points out.

"Yes, he has wanted to before." Prime replies.

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