Fallen City

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Raven surfaces to see the sunlight she has to shade her eyes for a moment after being in the dark for so long. Bee by her side, she looks in the direction of the city, her expression saying everything her words would. Despair, contempt, fear. Even from this distance they can see the smoke.

"No." She whispers as tears prick at her eyes. They brought the war to the city, the endless people who would lose their lives today, the endless families who would now be broken, what about Kim? Raven doesn't know where she is, what if Kim is killed? She'll be left all alone. Anger replaces her sadness, she will not let her home fall a second time, she lifts into the sky with enough power behind her wings to send a dust cloud floating around Bumblebee. He quickly transforms into his car form and speeds after her, good thing he's a Camaro or else he'd be too slow to catch up. Bee whirs at Raven, seeing the anger and determination; going into battle with your mind clouded by anger is not a good idea, Bee learned that the hard way, but now isn't the time to stop her and lecture her. Not like he could without his voice, sometimes he really wishes he had his voice back to be able to properly talk to those he cared for.

Raven looks down the broken streets of the city as they get closer to the city limits, people screaming and running everywhere. Raven flies over the roads, cars crushed, buildings cut in half, glass everywhere, Bumblebee transforms back into himself, no way he's going to be driving down these streets without blowing his tires. Doubt crosses Ravens mind, what if she can't save this planet, what if she loses it too. If it comes to that, Raven is going down with this planet, there's no way she's going to flee like a scaredy cat while everybody else has to pay the price.

"Bee." Raven says softly as she flaps her wings on the spot to stay eye level with him. Bees blue optics turn to face her. "Just be careful, ok."

Bee gives her a firm nod. "You too. Come back... in one piece."

Raven flies into the city, it's not long before she finds the heart of the battle, wreaking havoc on the entire city. There's giant ships everywhere, floating just above the skyscrapers. Raven approaches Optimus, whose getting up off the ground after shooting another Decepticons Spark, causing the bot to offline.

"Optimus!" She yells over the sounds of gunfire and chaos. The Autobot turns his head at hearing his name.

"Raven. Do you have the All Spark."

"No, I gave it to Leo. Have you seen him?"

Optimus doesn't have a chance to reply when a Decepticon ship starts shooting at them. Optimus easily shoots it down with his Canon, but unfortunately the Decepticon inside survives, the bot climbs out of the ship, red optics raging with fury.

"Go. Find Leo." Optimus orders.


"I'll be fine, go!"

Raven hesitates for a split second but knows Optimus is right, the All Spark is the only thing that can stop this. They need to destroy it.

She flips around and flies around the city, dodging exploding buildings and gunfire, no sign of Leo. Maybe he hasn't reached the city yet... it was a fairly long fly but then... The dark side of Ravens thoughts come to her. What if she finds him buried under rubble, shot, bleeding and dying. A yell breaks her out of her trance, now is not the time to be lost in thoughts. Raven comes to an abrupt stop and sees Ironhide fighting off two Decepticons, not very well, one has him in a choke hold and another has its guns pointed at him.

"Unfortunate you won't be able to see the fall of another planet you tried to save." The Decepticon pointing his gun at him says.

"Let me go and you'll be the one falling." Ironhide retorts.

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