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The feeling made my whole body sigh in relief.

It's an indescribable weight of your whole human flesh lifting off your shoulders, gravity blasting it's hold off of you all at once. All of the stress of life gone, and the memories with it.

I was finally dead.

I was finally... dead.

I am dead.

The place wasn't black or white, or any particular color. It was a nothingness that stretched over eternities.

I attempted to looked around me but there wasn't a neck to turn my non-existent head, there wasn't eyes that I could see with, there wasn't a physical body that was me. I was just there.

The present was smothered with the past and the future. Time seemed like a silly concept now, every thing was just. And that's all.

It felt like I was laying down in contempt. All of my problems didn't exist any more, and I could finally rest. I was nothing,, and that was okay.

I don't remember my human life anyways. All I feel is satisfaction. Like a stories perfect ending, as if everything had been set right in place.

I am disappearing now.

I know that I am, I can feel myself leaving the universe. And I feel perfectly okay with it, because it was meant to be.

Everything is alright, and okay. I'm safe and I feel warm even though there is nothing to feel with. I feel... like I'm at home, and I'm petting some pretty white fur, while my mother cooks is the kitchen.

Yeah, it's the sound of sound of metal clanking

and the feeling of warmth

and calm

that is my send-off.

It's a perfect send-off.

Good-bye, world.

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