Maybe if I'd just shut up that day and never confessed what i'd done,
maybe you'd still be here today.
I should just kill myself,
it's all my fault that you're gone, but I'm being over-dramatic.
I have a great life.
But everything is too scary and I can't go on.
I'll just make a mistake, I'll just be akward, I'll just mess up. I'll kill someone else, il fail.again, I'll do what I did you.
and that's too scary a thought.
everything is too scary to manage.
mornings feel like I should just kill myself then get up
because if I have to wake up and feel that way every morning, with whatever I think wrong, with my mind tangled and fucking knotted, with my body glued to the bed, with him yelling at me to contribute to society, with my motivation being non-existent,
it really isn't worth it.
There is no good part, the bad cancels it all out. The pain and scariness and the guilt; its not worth it.
It's not worth it.
But how could I kill myself?
I can't do anything without being wrong.
Everything's too scary and too much and my mind will Implode with thoughts that I shouldn't be thinking.
god someone save me, if that's not too selfish.
please save me.
help me.
I don't want to do this anymore.
I want to be saved.
it's all too scary and I can't handle it anymore.
I can't.
Moth Naps
Aléatoirerandom depressing thoughts come cry with me lol please skip to whatever title entices you every chapter is a new experience of existential dread