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Jimin and I have been hanging out with Jungkook and the hyungs in the cafeteria ever since we established our friendship together. It was so much more fun and never boring when we're with the trio, we can ignore the fact Jimin still can't look Yoongi hyung in the eyes, but there's progress!

What I don't like is some students staring at Jungkook weirdly or just run away from him like he would bite. I wasn't so sure the real reason why they would get scared over this cutie until a group of my 'somewhat' friends approached me.

"Oppa!" One of the girls called out to me and I turned around to look at them

"Yes? Is there something you need?"
I tilted my head at them wondering what they want from me, seeing as they look a bit nervous, I can guess it's something serious.

"We were wondering and we wanted to make sure about something important"

I raised a brow in question and nodded my head for them to continue.

"You're..." they hesitated "You're not exactly friends with that Jungkook guy, right?"

What? What do they mean by that?

They must've misunderstood my confused look since they sighed in relief and that made me even more puzzled.

"I guess that means you're not friends with him. That's good..."


"Why is it good?"

The girl sighed and shook her head, looking kind of disappointed.
"Oppa please... have you heard that Jungkook guy beats up people in th back of the school?"

Jungkook? Hurting people? I could never see him do those things when he's such a sweet and pure person.

"Where did that come from?"
They just continued on about Jungkook and how I should stay away from him.

"I'm not really suprised. His brother is the infamous Min Yoongi!"

I heard the one of the guys in the group scoff at this and rolled his eyes.
"He must've got it from that dude"

Another turned to me and genuinely looks worried, but the next words he said aren't pleasant to my ears.
"You should stay away, hyung!"

Stay away...

It's starting to piss me off on how these people think they know Jungkook and telling me who not to be with like they own my life. I clenched my jaw, trying to not yell at them for talking nonsense.. especially bad mouthing my Jungkook and also Yoongi hyung.

"I seriously thought he was a cool guy for fighting back that girl for being rude to him, but I guess not. He fights when he wants to fight and I feel bad for those-"

I cut him off with a frown on my face. My voice got lower and monotone when I asked them.

"Are there any proofs?"

They were a bit shock when they got cut off and heard my cold tone. I just stared at them with a stern look and they got a bit scared at that, seeing how they looked down when they talk to me.

"Th-The students! Uhm.. they got here.. with-with bandages and bruises- .. all over their-their faces a-and body!"

A girl huffed at my behavior and went infront of me with an annoyed look.

"Chill, Taehyung! We're just telling you to stay away from that guy cause he might beat you up too. The injured students even confirmed it was Jungkook, so there you go"

Bad Boy? ||TaeKook||Where stories live. Discover now